keys: wide padded key style on windows >1440x996 px
[sheet.git] /
1 use utf8;
3 {
4 # screen version 4.00.03jw4
6 key => {
7         'a' => "literal a",
8         'A' => "title", # title
9         '^a'=> "last",
10         'b' => "send break", # break
11         'B' => "reopen break", # pow_break
12         'c' => "new", # screen
13         'C' => "clear", # clear
14         'd' => "detach", # detach
15         'D' => "detach logout", # pow_detach
16         'f' => "flow", # flow
17         'F' => "fit",
18         '^g'=> "vbell", # vbell
19         'h' => "hardcopy", # hardcopy
20         'H' => "log", # log
21         'i' => "prop<>erties", # info
22         'I' => "login on", #XXX
23         '^i'=> "focus", # focus
24         'k' => "kill", # kill
25         'l' => "redraw", # redisplay
26         'L' => "login", # login
27         'm' => "last msg", # lastmsg
28         'M' => "moni<>tor", # monitor
29         'n' => "next", # next
30         'N' => "number", # number
31         'O' => "login off", #XXX
32         '^o'=> "other", # other
33         'p' => "previous", # prev
34         'q' => "xon", # xon
35         'Q' => "only", # only
36         'r' => "wrap", # wrap
37         's' => 'xoff', # xoff
38         't' => "time", # time
39         'v' => "version",
40         '^v'=> "digraph", # digraph
41         'w' => "windows", # windows
42         'W' => "width", # width
43         'x' => "lock screen", # lockscreen
44         'X' => "remove", # remove
45         'z' => "suspend", # suspend
46         'Z' => "reset",
48         "'" => "select", # select
49         '"' => "window<>list -b", # windowlist -b
50         ':' => "colon", # colon
51         "\e"=> "copy", # copy
52         '^]'=> "paste .", # paste .
53         '|' => "split vert", # split -v
54         '{' => "history", # history
55         '}' => "history", # history
56         '=' => "remove buf", # removebuf
57         '*' => "displays", # displays
58         '.' => "dump<>termcap", # dumptermcap
59         ',' => "license", # license
60         '-' => "select -", # select -
61         '_' => "silence", # silence
62         '>' => "writebuf", # writebuf
63         '<' => "readbuf", # readbuf
64 },
66 mode => {
67         '' => 'index',
68 },
70 flag => {
71         g1 => ["info", "Temporarily hover information in bottom task bar."],
72         g2 => ["display", "Change screen display options."],
73         g3 => ["select", "Switch between existing windows."],
74         g4 => ["config", "Toggle configuration flags to change behaviour of the current window."],
75         g5 => ["window", "Operate on or in current window with lasting results."],
76         g6 => ["buffer", "..."],
77         g7 => ["contents", "Insert or read character contents on a screen."],
78         g9 => ["screen", "Manipulate global and inter-screen commands."],
80         arg => ["key<arg>" => "Commands with a dot need a char argument afterwards."],
81 },
83 def => {
84         '' => {
85                 'a' => 'g7',
86                 'A' => 'g9 args', # title
87                 '^a'=> 'g3',
88                 'b' => 'g7', # break
89                 'B' => 'g7', # pow_break
90                 '^b'=> '=b',
91                 'c' => 'g9', # screen
92                 'C' => 'g2', # clear
93                 '^c'=> '=c',
94                 'd' => 'g9', # detach
95                 'D' => 'g9', # pow_detach
96                 '^d'=> '=d',
97                 'f' => 'g4', # flow
98                 'F' => 'g4',
99                 '^f'=> '=f',
100                 '^g'=> 'g4', # vbell
101                 'h' => 'g6', # hardcopy
102                 'H' => 'g5', # log
103                 '^h'=> '=^p',
104                 'i' => 'g1', # info
105                 'I' => 'g5', #XXX
106                 '^i'=> 'g2', # focus
107                 'k' => 'g5', # kill
108                 'K' => '=k',
109                 'l' => 'g2', # redisplay
110                 'L' => 'g5', # login
111                 '^l'=> '=l',
112                 'm' => 'g1', # lastmsg
113                 'M' => 'g5', # monitor
114                 '^m'=> '=m',
115                 'n' => 'g3', # next
116                 'N' => 'g1', # number
117                 '^n'=> '=n',
118                 'O' => 'g5', #XXX
119                 '^o'=> 'g3', # other
120                 'p' => 'g3', # prev
121                 '^p'=> '=p',
122                 'q' => 'g4', # xon
123                 'Q' => 'g2', # only
124                 '^q'=> '=q',
125                 'r' => 'g4', # wrap
126                 '^r'=> '=r',
127                 's' => 'g4', # xoff
128                 '^s'=> '=s',
129                 't' => 'g1', # time
130                 '^t'=> '=t',
131                 'v' => 'g1',
132                 '^v'=> 'g7 arg arg linkdigraphs', # digraph
133                 'w' => 'g1', # windows
134                 'W' => 'g4', # width
135                 '^w'=> '=w',
136                 'x' => 'g9', # lockscreen
137                 'X' => 'g2', # remove
138                 '^x'=> '=x',
139                 'z' => 'g9', # suspend
140                 'Z' => 'g9',
141                 '^z'=> '=z',
143                 "'" => 'g3 arg', # select
144                 '"' => 'g3', # windowlist -b
145                 ':' => 'g4', # colon
146                 "\e"=> 'g6', # copy
147                 '[' => '=^[',
148                 '^['=> "=\e",
149                 '^]'=> 'g7', # paste .
150                 ']' => '=^]',
151                 '|' => 'g2', # split -v
152                 '{' => 'g7', # history
153                 '}' => 'g7', # history
154                 '=' => 'g6', # removebuf
155                 '^?'=> '=^h',
156                 '*' => 'g1', # displays
157                 '.' => 'g9', # dumptermcap
158                 ',' => 'g1', # license
159                 '-' => 'g3', # select -
160                 '_' => 'g5', # silence
161                 '>' => 'g6', # writebuf
162                 '<' => 'g6', # readbuf
163                 '^@'=> '=n',
164         },
165 },
166 }