#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long 2.33 qw(HelpMessage :config bundling); our $VERSION = '1.03'; GetOptions(\my %opt, 'raw|r', # full output 'version=i', # force version ) or HelpMessage(-exitval => 2); package Shiar_Parse::WormEdit; use strict; use warnings; our %MAGICID = ( "WormEdit053\000LVL" => 53, "WormEdit\34195\000LVL" => 95, "WormEdit\34194\000LVL" => 94, "WormEdit\34193\000LVL" => 93, ); my @FORMAT = ( magic => 'a15', version => 'C', name => 'Ca32', description => 'Ca64x256', levelcount => [1, single => 'C', multi => 'C', race => 'C', ctf => 'C', total => 'C', ], moderef => [1, map { (start => $_, end => $_) } [1, single => 'C', peaworm => 'C', tron => 'C', deathmatch => 'C', foodmatch => 'C', multifood => 'C', timematch => 'C', race => 'C', ctf => 'Cx', ], ], sprite => ['8C', line => 'B8', ], finish => [1, type => 's', message => 'Ca255', code => 'Ca255x256', ], hiname => 'a3', levels => ['*', # levelcount->total actually id => 'Ca22', name => 'Ca22', size => 'C', peas => 'C', delay => 'C', growth => 'C', bsize => 'C', sprite => ['8C', line => 'B8', ], balls => ['32C', y => 'C', x => 'C', dir => 'C', ], worms => [4, d => 'C', y => 'C', x => 'C', ], width => 'C', height => 'C', flags => [2, y => 'C', x => 'C', ], objects => ['128C', type => 'C', x1 => 'C', y1 => 'C', x2 => 'C', y2 => 'C', ], ], ); sub read { my ($self, $input) = @_; my ($id, $version) = (substr($input, 0, 15), ord substr($input, 15, 1)); my $fileversion = $MAGICID{$id} or die "File does not match any known WormEdit level header\n"; if ($opt{version}) { warn "Override version $version to $opt{version}\n"; $version = $opt{version}; } elsif ($version != $fileversion) { warn "Unexpected version $version (expecting $fileversion)\n"; } elsif ($version == 95) { # auto-detect exact variant if (ord substr($input, 70, 1) ~~ [1 .. 8]) { # valid sprite length instead of description byte # (which is usually a letter or nul) $version = 94; } elsif (ord substr($input, 147, 1) == 0) { # nul of finish type is 2 bytes later (unlike first char of message) $version = 96; } warn "Ambiguous file version 95; guessing subversion $version\n"; }; $fileversion += 100 if $fileversion < 90; # 93..95 came before 50..53 given ($fileversion) { when (153) { } # current @FORMAT $FORMAT[7] = 'Ca64'; # no reserved space after description $FORMAT[15]->[-1] = 'Ca255'; # enddata $FORMAT[-1]->[-1]->[0] = '32C'; # less objects when ($version == 96) { ref $_ and $_->[-1] = 'C' for @{ $FORMAT[11] }; # 9 moderefs } ref $_ and pop @$_ for @{ $FORMAT[11] }; # only 8 moderefs splice @FORMAT, 6, 2 if $version <= 94; # earlier version without description when (95) { } splice @{ $FORMAT[7] }, 4, 2; # no race splice @{ $FORMAT[13] }, 4, 2; # no enddata splice @{ $FORMAT[-1] }, 1, 2; # no name when (94) { } splice @FORMAT, 14, 2; # no hiname $FORMAT[-1]->[0] = 64; # constant amount of levels when (93) { } default { die "Cannot parse data for Wormedit $fileversion/$version\n"; } } # convert to an easily accessible hash my @values = unpack Shiar_Parse::Nested->template(\@FORMAT).'a*', $input; my $data = Shiar_Parse::Nested->convert(\@FORMAT, \@values); warn "Trailing data left unparsed\n" if grep {length} @values; $data->{format} = 'WormEdit'; return $data; } package Shiar_Parse::WormyLevel; use strict; use warnings; use List::Util qw(sum min max); sub read { my ($self, $input) = @_; my ($psize, $ptype, $size, $type, $vsize, $dsize, $id, $subid) = unpack q{ x11 x42 # file signature and comment S a2 S a2 # file size, type; data size, type x8 # var name S S # var size; content size CC # wormy header }, $input; $ptype eq "\014\000" or die "Not a calculator string, thus cannot be a Wormy level file\n"; $size == $psize - 16 or warn "File size ($size) does not correspond with data size ($psize)\n"; $type eq "\014\010" or die "Not a calculator string, thus cannot be a Wormy level file\n"; $size == $vsize and $vsize == $dsize+2 or warn "Mismatch in string data size declarations\n"; # substr($input, -2) eq $CHECKSUM $input = substr $input, 73, -2; $id eq ord 'w' or die "Wormy level identifier not found\n"; my @FORMAT = ( magic => 'a1', version => 'C', name => 'Z*', description => 'Z*', levelcount => [1, total => 'S', ], moderef => [1, map { ( offset => [1, map {$_ => 'S'} @$_], # byte location of start end => [1, map {$_ => 'C'} @$_], ) } [qw/single peaworm tron deathmatch foodmatch multifood timematch race ctf/] ], theanswer => 'C', # 42 sprite => ['C', line => 'B8', ], leveldata => 'a*', ); my @LEVELFORM = ( peas => 'C', delay => 'C', growth => 'C', bsize => 'C', sprite => ['C', line => 'B8', ], balls => ['C', y => 'C', x => 'C', dir => 'C', ], worms => [1, d => 'C', y => 'C', x => 'C', ], width => 'C', height => 'C', flags => [0, y => 'C', x => 'C', ], #levels #finish code #levels-multi #hinames ); my @OBJECTFORM = ( type => 'C', x1 => 'C', y1 => 'C', x2 => 'C', y2 => 'C', ); given ($subid) { when (97) { # current @FORMAT } when (95) { ref $_ and splice @$_, -2 for @{ $FORMAT[11] }; # only 8 moderefs splice @FORMAT, 12, 2; # no reserved byte } default { die "Unsupported level version $subid\n"; } } my $data = Shiar_Parse::Nested->unpack(\@FORMAT, $input); my $offset = 0; my $offsetbase = 0xF080 + @{ $data->{sprite} } + 1; $data->{moderef}->{offset}->{single} == $offsetbase or warn "First singleplayer level is not in front\n"; my $slots = sum( $data->{moderef}->{end}->{single} > 0, # singleplayer slot if any levels $data->{moderef}->{end}->{peaworm}, # one for each peaworm arena $data->{moderef}->{end}->{tron}, # idem for tron ); $data->{hinames} = [ unpack '(x2a3)*', substr($data->{leveldata}, -5 * $slots) ]; $data->{format} = '86s'; my @VARMODES = ( [qw'single single'], [qw'multi peaworm tron deathmatch foodmatch multifood timematch'], [qw'race race'], [qw'ctf ctf'], ); $data->{levels} = []; for my $modes (@VARMODES) { my $variant = shift @$modes; $offset = min(grep {$_} map { $data->{moderef}->{offset}->{$_} } @$modes) or next; $offset -= $offsetbase; my $amount = $variant eq 'single' ? 100 : max(map { $data->{moderef}->{end}->{$_} } @$modes); my @varform = @LEVELFORM; $varform[13]->[0] = $variant eq 'single' ? 1 : 4; unshift @varform, name => 'Z*' unless $variant eq 'single'; $varform[-1]->[0] = 1 if $variant eq 'race'; $varform[-1]->[0] = 2 if $variant eq 'ctf'; while ($offset < length $data->{leveldata}) { last if substr($data->{leveldata}, $offset, 1) eq chr(255); # find references to this level offset, and set start number to matching modes while (my ($mode, $location) = each %{ $data->{moderef}->{offset} }) { $location == $offset + $offsetbase or next; $data->{moderef}->{start}->{$mode} = 1 + scalar @{ $data->{levels} }; } my $level = Shiar_Parse::Nested->unpack( [@varform], substr $data->{leveldata}, $offset ); my $size = 8 # unpack length (ugh, ugly recalculation) + (defined $level->{name} ? 1 + length $level->{name} : 0) + 3 * (ref $level->{worms} eq 'ARRAY' ? scalar @{$level->{worms}} : 1) + 2 * ($level->{flags} ? ref $level->{flags} eq 'ARRAY' ? scalar @{$level->{flags}} : 1 : 0) + ($level->{sprite} ? scalar @{$level->{sprite}} : 0) + ($level->{balls} ? 3 * scalar @{$level->{balls}} : 0); $level->{size} = $size; $level->{offset} = $offset + $offsetbase; # add objects until terminator $level->{objects} = []; while (my $object = ord substr($data->{leveldata}, $offset+$size, 1)) { push @{ $level->{objects} }, Shiar_Parse::Nested->unpack( [@OBJECTFORM], substr($data->{leveldata}, $offset+$size, 5) ); $size += 5; } # add parsed level and advance push @{ $data->{levels} }, $level; $offset += ++$size; last if ++$data->{levelcount}->{$variant} >= $amount; } if ($variant eq 'single') { $offset++; $data->{finish}->{code} = my $code = substr delete($data->{leveldata}), $offset, -5*$slots; my %FINISHCODE = ( 0 => chr 0xC9, # ret 1 => join('', chr 0x21, # ld hl, MESSAGE pack('v', $offsetbase + $offset + 9), (map {chr} 0xCD, 0x37, 0x4A, # call _puts 0xC3, 0xAA, 0x55, # jp _getkey ), ), 2 => join('', (map {chr} 0x21, 0, 0x1C, # ld hl, $POS 0x22, 0x7C, 0xC3, # ld (_penCol), hl 0x21, # ld hl, MESSAGE ), pack('v', $offsetbase + $offset + 15), (map {chr} 0xCD, 0xA5, 0x4A, # call _vputs 0xC3, 0xAA, 0x55, # jp _getkey ), ), ); while (my ($finish, $match) = each %FINISHCODE) { $match eq substr $code, 0, length $match or next; $data->{finish}->{type} = $finish or last; $data->{finish}->{message} = unpack 'Z*', substr($code, length $match); last; } } } return $data; } package Shiar_Parse::Nested; sub template { my ($self, $format) = @_; # total (flattened) unpack template from nested format definitions return join '', map { my $value = $format->[-($_ << 1) - 1]; if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { my $count = $value->[0]; $value = $self->template($value); $value = $count =~ s/^([*\d]+)// ? "$count($value)$1" : $count."X[$count]$count/($value)"; } else { $value =~ s/^C(a)(\d+)/$1 . ($2 + 1)/e; # length prefix } $value; } reverse 0 .. ($#$format - 1) >> 1; } sub convert { my ($self, $format, $data) = @_; # map flat results into a named and nested hash my %res; while (my ($field, $template) = splice @$format, 0, 2) { if (ref $template eq 'ARRAY') { my ($count, @subformat) = @$template; my $max = $count =~ s/^(\d+)// ? $1 : 0; $count = !$count ? $max : $count eq '*' ? $res{levelcount}->{total} : shift @$data; $res{$field}->[$_] = $self->convert([@subformat], $data) for 0 .. ($max || $count)-1; splice @{ $res{$field} }, $count if $max > $count; $res{$field} = $res{$field}->[0] if $max == 1; next; } elsif ($template =~ /^Ca/) { $data->[0] = CORE::unpack 'C/a', $data->[0]; } $res{$field} = shift @$data; } return \%res; } sub unpack { my ($self, $format, $input) = @_; my @data = CORE::unpack $self->template($format), $input; return $self->convert($format, \@data); } package main; my @OBJTYPE = ('none', 'line', 'fat line', 'bar', 'circle'); my @ENDTYPE = ('none', 'message', 'small message'); sub objsummary { my ($objects) = @_; my @objtypes = map { $_->{type} } @$objects; my %count; $count{$_}++ for @objtypes; return (@objtypes > 1 && keys %count == 1 && 'all ') . join(', ', map { $OBJTYPE[$_] ? $OBJTYPE[$_] . ($count{$_} > 1 && 's') : $_ } sort keys %count ); } # read and parse all input data my $data; local $/; my $rawdata = readline; if (substr($rawdata, 0, 11) eq "**TI86**\032\012\000") { # compiled calculator file $data = Shiar_Parse::WormyLevel->read($rawdata); } elsif (substr($rawdata, 0, 8) eq 'WormEdit') { # original wormedit source $data = Shiar_Parse::WormEdit->read($rawdata); } else { die "Unrecognised file type\n"; } # output with user-preferred formatting if ($opt{raw}) { # full data in yaml (human-readable) formatting require YAML; local $YAML::CompressSeries; $YAML::CompressSeries = 0; my $yml = "# Wormy levelset\n" . YAML::Dump($data); # inline format of short hashes $yml =~ s{ ^(\ *) - \n # array indicator ((?:\1\ \ [a-z0-9]{1,5}:\ *\d+\n)+) # simple hash declaration (?!\1\ ) # no further children }[ my ($indent, $value) = ($1, $2); chop $value; $value =~ s/^ +//gm; $value =~ s/\n/, /g; "$indent- {$value}\n"; ]egmx; print $yml; } else { print $data->{name}; print " ($data->{description})" if defined $data->{description}; print "\n"; printf "File version: %s\n", "$data->{format} v$data->{version}"; printf "Defaults: %s\n", join('; ', 'sprite ' . scalar @{ $data->{sprite} }, defined $data->{hiname} ? 'hiscore by ' . $data->{hiname} : (), ); my $startnr = 0; for my $variant (qw/single multi race ctf/) { my $count = $data->{levelcount}->{$variant}; print "\n"; printf '%s (%s)', ucfirst $variant, $count // 'invalid'; $count or next; print ":"; for (0 .. $count - 1) { my $level = $data->{levels}->[$_ + $startnr]; printf("\n- %-22s%4s:%3s+%2s%3s %3sx%-3s%s", $level->{id} || $level->{name} || '#'.($_+1), @$level{qw/size bsize growth/}, $variant eq 'single' && "x$level->{peas}", @$level{qw/width height/}, join(';', map {" $_"} grep {$_} @{$level->{objects}} && sprintf('%2d object%s (%s)', scalar @{$level->{objects}}, @{$level->{objects}} != 1 && 's', objsummary($level->{objects}), ), $level->{sprite} && @{$level->{sprite}} && sprintf('sprite %d', scalar @{$level->{sprite}}, ), $level->{balls} && @{$level->{balls}} && sprintf('%d bounc%s', scalar @{$level->{balls}}, @{$level->{balls}} == 1 ? 'y' : 'ies', ), ), ); } $startnr += $count; } continue { print "\n"; printf("-- %-21s%4s: %s (%s)\n", '(ending)', defined $data->{finish}->{code} ? length $data->{finish}->{code} : '?', defined $data->{finish}->{type} ? $ENDTYPE[$data->{finish}->{type}] || 'unknown' : 'code', $data->{finish}->{message} // '?', ) if $variant eq 'single'; } } __END__ =head1 NAME parse-wormedit - Wormy level data parser =head1 SYNOPSIS parse-wormedit [--raw] =head1 DESCRIPTION Reads Wormy levels (either original WormEdit source or compiled TI-86 string) from STDIN or given file, and outputs contents, summarised or in full. =head1 AUTHOR Mischa POSLAWSKY =head1 LICENSE GPL version 3.