#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Wx; package Unifont; use GD qw (:DEFAULT :cmp); sub LoadHexFile { my ($input) = @_; my %hexlist = (); open (HEXFILE, "$input") or die ("Cannot open file\n"); while () { chomp; my @data = split (':', $_); my $codepoint = hex ($data[0]); my $char = $data[1]; # my $display_width = $codepoint > 0xFFFF ? 6 : 4; # Use 6-digit codepoint for all glyphs for now my $display_width = 6; $hexlist{sprintf ("%0*X", $display_width, $codepoint)} = $char; } return %hexlist; } sub Hex2PNG { my ($hexlist_ref, $pagenum, $charheight) = @_; my %hexlist = %$hexlist_ref; if ($pagenum > 0x10FF) { die ("Invalid page\n"); } my $charxoffset = 4; my $gridxoffset = 48; my $gridyoffset = 32; my ($charyoffset, $boxsize, $xmax, $ymax, $charmaxwidth); if (not $charheight) { $charheight = 16; } if ($charheight == 16) { $charyoffset = 7; $boxsize = 32; $xmax = 2; $ymax = 1; $charmaxwidth = 6; } elsif ($charheight == 24) { $charyoffset = 4; $boxsize = 32; $xmax = 2; $ymax = 2; $charmaxwidth = 6; } elsif ($charheight == 32) { $charyoffset = 4; $boxsize = 40; $xmax = 3; $ymax = 3; $charmaxwidth = 8; } else { die ("Invalid height\n"); } # Create box and set as tile pattern my $box = new GD::Image ($boxsize, $boxsize); my $black = $box->colorAllocate (0, 0, 0); my $white = $box->colorAllocate (255, 255, 255); $box->filledRectangle (1, 1, $boxsize - 1, $boxsize - 1, $white); # Draw dots at 8 pixel boundaries for (my $count = 0; $count <= $xmax; $count++) { $box->setPixel (($count * 8) + $charxoffset + 1, 0, $white); $box->setPixel (($count * 8) + $charxoffset + 8, 0, $white); } for (my $count = 0; $count <= $ymax; $count++) { $box->setPixel (0, ($count * 8) + $charyoffset + 1, $white); $box->setPixel (0, ($count * 8) + $charyoffset + 8, $white); } # Draw grid my $im = new GD::Image ($boxsize * 16 + $gridxoffset, $boxsize * 16 + $gridyoffset); $black = $im->colorAllocate (0, 0, 0); $white = $im->colorAllocate (255, 255, 255); $im->fill (0, 0, $white); for (my $xcount = 0; $xcount <= 16; $xcount++) { for (my $ycount = 0; $ycount <= 16; $ycount++) { $im->copy ($box, $xcount * $boxsize + $gridxoffset - 1, $ycount * $boxsize + $gridyoffset - 1, 0, 0, $boxsize, $boxsize); } } # Print plane $im->string (gdLargeFont, 8, 9, sprintf ('U+%02X', $pagenum >> 8), $black); # Print row headers for (my $count = 0; $count <= 15; $count++) { $im->string (gdLargeFont, 32, ($count * $boxsize) + (($boxsize - 16) / 2) + $gridyoffset, sprintf ('%X', $count), $black); } # Print column headers for (my $count = 0; $count <= 15; $count++) { $im->string (gdLargeFont, ($count * $boxsize) + (($boxsize - 24) / 2) + $gridxoffset, 9, sprintf ('%03X', (($pagenum & 0xFF) << 4) + $count), $black); } while ((my $codepoint, my $char) = each %hexlist) { if ($codepoint and $codepoint =~ m/^[0-9A-F]{4,6}$/) { my $cp = hex ($codepoint); # Calculate if codepoint is within page if ($cp >> 8 == $pagenum) { # Calculate character width, column and row my $charwidth = length ($char) / $charheight; if ($charwidth <= $charmaxwidth) { my $col = ($cp >> 4) & 0xF; my $row = $cp & 0xF; for (my $j = 0; $j < $charheight; $j++) { # Get character row my $r = hex (substr ($char, $j * $charwidth, $charwidth)); # Draw character for (my $i = 0; $i < $charwidth * 4; $i++) { if ($r & 1 << $i) { $im->setPixel (($col * $boxsize) + ($charwidth * 4 - $i) + $charxoffset + $gridxoffset - 1, ($row * $boxsize) + $j + $charyoffset + $gridyoffset, $black); } } } } } } } return $im; } package UnifontViewer; use base qw (Wx::App); use Wx qw (wxMINIMIZE_BOX wxSYSTEM_MENU wxCAPTION wxCLOSE_BOX wxCLIP_CHILDREN); sub OnInit { my $self = shift; my $frame = UnifontViewerFrame->new ( undef, -1, 'Unifont Viewer', [-1, -1], [-1, -1], wxMINIMIZE_BOX | wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxCAPTION | wxCLOSE_BOX | wxCLIP_CHILDREN ); $frame->Show (1); $self->SetTopWindow ($frame); return 1; } package ImagePanel; use base qw (Wx::Panel); use fields qw (memdc); use Wx qw (wxCOPY); use Wx::Event qw (EVT_PAINT); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new (@_); $self->{memdc} = Wx::MemoryDC->new (); EVT_PAINT($self, \&OnPaint); return $self; } sub clear { my $self = shift; $self->{memdc}->Clear (); $self->Refresh (); } sub load { my ($self, $filename) = @_; my $file = IO::File->new ($filename, 'r'); binmode $file; my $handler = Wx::PNGHandler->new (); my $image = Wx::Image->new (); my $bitmap; $handler->LoadFile ($image, $file); $bitmap = Wx::Bitmap->new ($image); if ($bitmap->Ok ()) { $self->{memdc}->SelectObject ($bitmap); $self->Refresh (); } } sub load_gd { my ($self, $gd) = @_; my $png = $gd->png; open my $fh, '<', \$png; my $handler = Wx::PNGHandler->new (); my $image = Wx::Image->new (); my $bitmap; $handler->LoadFile ($image, $fh); close $fh; $bitmap = Wx::Bitmap->new ($image); if ($bitmap->Ok ()) { $self->{memdc}->SelectObject ($bitmap); $self->Refresh (); } } sub OnPaint { my ($self, $event) = @_; my $size = $self->GetClientSize (); my $dcPaint = Wx::PaintDC->new ($self); $dcPaint->Blit (0, 0, $size->x, $size->y, $self->{memdc}, 0, 0, wxCOPY, 0); } package UnifontViewerFrame; use base qw (Wx::Frame); use fields qw (filename hexlist charheight listbox imagepanel); use Wx::Event qw (EVT_MENU EVT_LISTBOX); use Wx qw (wxBORDER_SIMPLE wxID_OPEN wxID_SAVE wxID_EXIT wxID_OK wxHORIZONTAL wxEXPAND wxALL wxLB_SORT wxFD_OPEN wxFD_SAVE wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST wxFD_CHANGE_DIR); our @id = (0 .. 100); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new (@_); $self->{filename} = ''; $self->{charheight} = 16; my $boxsizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new (wxHORIZONTAL); $self->{listbox} = Wx::ListBox->new ( $self, -1, [-1, -1], [64, -1], [], wxLB_SORT ); $self->{imagepanel} = ImagePanel->new ( $self, -1, [-1, -1], [-1, -1], wxBORDER_SIMPLE ); SetCharHeight ($self, $self->{charheight}); $boxsizer->Add ( $self->{listbox}, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0 ); $boxsizer->Add ( $self->{imagepanel}, 0, wxALL, 1 ); EVT_LISTBOX ($self->{listbox}, -1, sub { my $selection = $self->{listbox}->GetStringSelection (); SetPage ($self, $selection); }); my $menubar = Wx::MenuBar->new (); my $menu = Wx::Menu->new (); $menu->Append (wxID_OPEN, "O&pen...\tCtrl+O"); $menu->Append (wxID_SAVE, "S&ave As...\tCtrl+S"); $menu->AppendSeparator (); $menu->AppendRadioItem ($id[0], "Glyph Height 16"); $menu->AppendRadioItem ($id[1], "Glyph Height 24"); $menu->AppendRadioItem ($id[2], "Glyph Height 32"); $menu->AppendSeparator (); $menu->Append (wxID_EXIT, "E&xit\tCtrl+X"); $menubar->Append ($menu, 'File'); $self->SetMenuBar ($menubar); EVT_MENU ($self, wxID_OPEN, \&OpenFile); EVT_MENU ($self, wxID_SAVE, \&SaveFile); EVT_MENU ($self, $id[0], sub {SetCharHeight ($self, 16)}); EVT_MENU ($self, $id[1], sub {SetCharHeight ($self, 24)}); EVT_MENU ($self, $id[2], sub {SetCharHeight ($self, 32)}); EVT_MENU ($self, wxID_EXIT, sub {$_[0]->Close (1)}); $self->SetSizerAndFit ($boxsizer); return $self; } sub OpenFile { my ($self, $event) = @_; my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new ( $self, 'Open File', '', '', 'Hex files (*.hex)|*.hex', wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | wxFD_CHANGE_DIR ); if ($dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK) { $self->{imagepanel}->clear (); my %pages = (); $self->{filename} = $dlg->GetPath (); $self->SetTitle ("Unifont Viewer - " . $dlg->GetFilename ()); open HEXFILE, "<$self->{filename}" || die "Cannot open $self->{filename}\n"; while () { chomp; my ($codepoint, $char) = (split (':', $_)); # For now, list page numbers as 4 digits even for Plane 0 for sorting if (length ($codepoint) == 4) { $codepoint = "00" . $codepoint; } if ($codepoint and $codepoint =~ m/^[0-9A-F]{4,6}$/) { if (!($char eq '00542A542A542A542A542A542A542A00' || $char eq 'FFB9C5EDD5D5D5D5D5D5D5D5EDB991FF')) { my $page = substr ($codepoint, 0, -2); $pages{$page} = 1; } } } $self->{listbox}->Clear (); for (keys %pages) { $self->{listbox}->Append ($_, hex ($_)); } my %hexlist = Unifont::LoadHexFile ($self->{filename}); $self->{hexlist} = \%hexlist; $self->{listbox}->Select (0); my $selection = $self->{listbox}->GetStringSelection (); SetPage ($self, $selection); }; } sub SaveFile { my ($self, $event) = @_; my $selection = $self->{listbox}->GetStringSelection (); if ($selection) { my $dlg = Wx::FileDialog->new ( $self, 'Save File', '', "$selection.png", 'PNG files (*.png)|*.png', wxFD_SAVE ); if ($dlg->ShowModal == wxID_OK) { my $im = Unifont::Hex2PNG ($self->{hexlist}, hex ($selection), $self->{charheight}); my $filename = $dlg->GetPath (); $self->{imagepanel}->load_gd ($im); open (PICTURE, ">$filename") or die ("Cannot save image\n"); binmode PICTURE; print PICTURE $im->png; close PICTURE; } } } sub SetPage { my ($self, $selection) = @_; if ($selection) { my $im = Unifont::Hex2PNG ($self->{hexlist}, hex ($selection), $self->{charheight}); $self->{imagepanel}->load_gd ($im); } else { $self->{imagepanel}->clear (); } } sub SetCharHeight { my ($self, $charheight) = @_; my ($x, $y); my $selection = $self->{listbox}->GetStringSelection (); $self->{charheight} = $charheight; if ($charheight == 16 || $charheight == 24) { $x = 562; $y = 544; } elsif ($charheight == 32) { $x = 688; $y = 672; } $self->{imagepanel}->SetMinSize ([-1, -1]); $self->{imagepanel}->SetClientSize ($x, $y); $self->{imagepanel}->SetMinSize ($self->{imagepanel}->GetSize ()); $self->Fit (); SetPage ($self, $selection); } package main; my ($app) = UnifontViewer->new (); $app->MainLoop ();