SHELL = /bin/sh MAKEINFO = makeinfo TEXI2PDF = texi2pdf OUTPUT_FILES = unifont.txt unifont.pdf .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .texi .txt .info .pdf $(MAKEINFO) $< -o $@ .texi.txt: $(MAKEINFO) --plaintext $< -o $@ .texi.pdf: $(TEXI2PDF) $< # # The "all:" target does nothing, so that a higher-level "make" invocation # does not remake the texinfo files, in case the target system does not have # makeinfo and texi2pdf installed. # # To rebuild the files, issue the command # # make distclean ; make docprep ; make doc ; make clean # all: # # Type "make docprep" before typing "make doc". # docprep: \rm -f $(OUTPUT_FILES) doc: $(OUTPUT_FILES) install: clean: \rm -f unifont.aux unifont.cp unifont.fn unifont.log \rm -f unifont.toc unifont.vr \rm -f *~ # # Only uncomment the line to remove $(OUTPUT_FILES) if your system has # texinfo, texi2pdf, TeX, and other necessary software installed to # rebuild the documentation from scratch. # distclean: clean # \rm -f $(OUTPUT_FILES) .PHONY: all install clean distclean