X-Git-Url: http://git.shiar.net/sheet.git/blobdiff_plain/e10ebeeeccd813dd3d9ff3e23b3338036deb66b1..7d5ce4c5fc31320179bc4837fe0190ef38dab029:/apl.inc.pl diff --git a/apl.inc.pl b/apl.inc.pl index 61c759d..3683d54 100644 --- a/apl.inc.pl +++ b/apl.inc.pl @@ -1,62 +1,125 @@ use utf8; -( -# monadic -["∼", undef, "Not, Tilde\nLogical: ∼1 is 0, ∼0 is 1"], - -# dyadic, monadic -["+", "Add\nSum of A and B", "Identity\nNo change to B"], -["−", "Subtract\nA minus B", "Negation\nChanges sign of B"], -["×", "Multiply\nA multiplied by B", "Signum\n¯1 if B<0; 0 if B=0; 1 if B>0"], -["÷", "Divide\nA divided by B", "Reciprocal\n1 divided by B"], -["⋆", "Exponentiation\nA raised to the B power", "Exponential\ne to the B power"], -["○", "Circle\nTrigonometric functions of B selected by A\nA=1: sin(B) A=2: cos(B) A=3: tan(B)", "Pi times\nMultiply by π"], -["?", "Deal\nA distinct integers selected randomly from the first B integers", "Roll\nOne integer selected randomly from the first B integers"], -["∈", "Membership, Epsilon\n1 for elements of A present in B; 0 where not."], -["⌈", "Maximum, Ceiling\nThe greater value of A or B", "Ceiling\nLeast integer greater than or equal to B"], -["⌊", "Minimum, Floor\nThe smaller value of A or B", "Floor\nGreatest integer less than or equal to B"], -["⍴", "Reshape, Dyadic Rho\nArray of shape A with data B", "Shape, Rho\nNumber of components in each dimension of B"], -["↑", "Take\nSelect the first (or last) A elements of B according to ×A"], -["↓", "Drop\nRemove the first (or last) A elements of B according to ×A"], -["⊥", "Decode\nValue of a polynomial whose coefficients are B at A"], -["⊤", "Encode\nBase-A representation of the value of B"], -["∣", "Residue\nB modulo A", "Absolute value\nMagnitude of B"], -[",", "Catenation\nElements of B appended to the elements of A", "Ravel, Catenate, Laminate\nReshapes B into a vector"], -["\\","Expansion, Dyadic Backslash\nInsert zeros (or blanks) in B corresponding to zeros in A", "Scan (last axis), Backslash\nRunning sum across B"], -["⍀", undef, "Scan (first axis)\nRunning sum down B"], -["/", "Compression, Dyadic Slash\nSelect elements in B corresponding to ones in A", "Reduce (last axis), Slash\nSum across B"], -["⌿", undef, "Reduce (first axis)\nSum down B"], -["⍳", "Index of, Dyadic Iota\nThe location (index) of B in A; 1+⌈/⍳⍴A if not found", "Index generator, Iota\nVector of the first B integers"], -["⌹", "Matrix divide, Dyadic Quad Divide\nSolution to system of linear equations, multiple regression Ax = B", "Matrix inverse, Monadic Quad Divide\nInverse of matrix B"], -["⌽", "Rotation\nThe elements of B are rotated A positions", "Reversal\nReverse elements of B along last axis"], -["⊖", "Rotation\nThe elements of B are rotated A positions along the first axis", "Reversal\nReverse elements of B along first axis"], -["⍟", "Logarithm\nLogarithm of B to base A", "Logarithm\nNatural logarithm of B"], -["⍋", undef, "Grade up\nIndices of B which will arrange B in ascending order"], -["⍒", undef, "Grade down\nIndices of B which will arrange B in descending order"], -["⍎", undef, "Execute\nExecute an APL expression"], -["⍕", "Dyadic formatting\nFormat B into a character matrix according to A", "Monadic formatting\nA character representation of B"], -["⍉", "General transpose\nThe axes of B are ordered by A", "Monadic transpose\nReverse the axes of B"], -["!", "Combinations\nNumber of combinations of B taken A at a time", "Factorial \nProduct of integers 1 to B"], -["¨", "Diaeresis, Double-Dot\nOver each, or perform each separately; B = on these; A = operation to perform or using(e.g. iota)"], -["<", "Less than\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], -["≤", "Less than or equal\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], -["=", "Equal\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], -["≥", "Greater than or equal\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], -[">", "Greater than\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], -["≠", "Not equal\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], -["∨", "Or\nLogic: 0 if A and B are 0; 1 otherwise"], -["∧", "And\nLogic: 1 if A and B are 1; 0 otherwise"], -["⍱", "Nor\nLogic: 1 if both A and B are 0; otherwise 0"], -["⍲", "Nand\nLogic: 0 if both A and B are 1; otherwise 1"], - -# operators and axis indicator -[".", undef, "Inner product\nMatrix product of A and B"], -["∘.", undef, "Outer product\nOuter product of A and B"], +[ # dyadic, monadic + +# arithmetic +["+\n-", "add\nSum of A and B", "conjugate\nNo change to B"], +["−\n_", "subtract\nA minus B", "negate\nChanges sign of B"], +["×\n-", "multiply\nA multiplied by B", "sign\n¯1 if B<0; 0 if B=0; 1 if B>0"], +["÷\n=", "divide\nA divided by B", "reciprocal\n1 divided by B"], +["∣\nm", "residue\nRemainder of division: B modulo A", "magnitude\nAbsolute value of B"], +["⋆\np", "power\nA raised to the B power", "exponential\ne to the B power"], +["⍟\n*", "logarithm\nLogarithm of B to base A", "natural logarithm\nNatural logarithm of B"], +["○\no", "circle\nTrigonometric functions of B selected by A\nA=1: sin(B) A=2: cos(B) A=3: tan(B)", "pi times\nMultiply by π"], +["⌈\ns", "maximum\nThe greater value of A or B", "ceiling\nLeast integer greater than or equal to B"], +["⌊\nd", "minimum\nThe smaller value of A or B", "floor\nGreatest integer less than or equal to B"], +["!", "binomial\nNumber of combinations of B taken A at a time", "factorial\nProduct of integers 1 to B"], +["?\nq", "deal\nA distinct integers selected randomly from the first B integers", "roll\nOne integer selected randomly from the first B integers"], + +undef, + +# logical +["∼\nt", "difference\nItems found in B are removed from A", "not\nLogical: ∼1 is 0, ∼0 is 1"], +["∨\n9", "or\nLogic: 0 if A and B are 0; 1 otherwise"], +["∧\n0", "and\nLogic: 1 if A and B are 1; 0 otherwise"], +["⍱\n(", "nor\nLogic: 1 if both A and B are 0; otherwise 0"], +["⍲\n)", "nand\nLogic: 0 if both A and B are 1; otherwise 1"], + +# comparative +["<\n3", "less than\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], +["≤\n4", "less than or equal\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], +["=\n5", "equal\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], +["≥\n6", "greater than or equal\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], +[">\n7", "greater than\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], +["≠\n8", "not equal\nComparison: 1 if true, 0 if false"], +["≡\n:", "match\n1 if arguments are the same in every respect, 0 if not", "depth\nLevel of nesting: 1 + maximum array depth or 0 if scalar"], +["≢\n\"", "not match\n1 if arguments are different if any respect, 0 if not", "tally\nNumber of major cells in B, equivalent to {⍬⍴ (⍴⍵),1}"], + +undef, + +# vector +["∈\ne", "membership\n1 for elements of A present in B; 0 where not", "enlist\nEvery element in B as simple vector"], +["⍷\nE", "find\nElements of A within B, returning 1 if the start of A is found in B"], +["⌷\nL", "index", "materialise"], +["⍬\n}", undef, "zilde\nEmpty numeric vector, equivalent to ⍳0 or 0⍴0"], +["⍳\ni", "index of\nThe location (index) of B in A; 1+⌈/⍳⍴A if not found", "count\nVector of the first B integers"], +["⍸\nI", "string index\nThe index of B in A using ⍷ as primary function"], +["⍴\nr", "reshape\nArray of shape A with data B", "shape\nNumber of components in each dimension of B"], + +# selection +["⊢\n\\", "right\nDiscard A and pass B unchanged", "pass\nPasses argument unchanged, useful to force display of non-printing result"], +["⊣\n|", "left\nDiscard B and pass A unchanged", "stop\nDiscard argument and return empty matrix"], +["⋄\n`", "statement separator\nSeparates multiple statements on a single line"], +["↑\ny", "take\nSelect the first (or last) A elements of B according to ×A", "nub"], +["↓\nu", "drop\nRemove the first (or last) A elements of B according to ×A", "split"], + +# set +["⊂\nz", "partition\nDivide B into an array of vectors according to specification in A", "enclose\nProduce a scalar of vector B"], +["⊃\nx", "pick\nSelect item A from vector B", "disclose\nProduce an array made up of the items in B"], +["⊆", "subset\nElements in both A and B: (∧/A∈B)∧(∧/B∈A)"], +["∩\nc", "intersection\nElements of A that are in B: (A∈B)/A"], +["∪\nv", "union\nCatenate A and B determined by combining ranks: A,(∼A∈B)/A", "unique"], +[",", "catenate\nElements of B appended to the elements of A", "ravel\nReshapes B into a vector"], +["⍪\n<", "catenate first\nCatenate across the first axis"], + +# transform +["⌹\n+", "matrix divide\nSolution to system of linear equations, multiple regression Ax = B", "matrix inverse\nInverse of matrix B"], +["⌽\n%", "rotate first\nThe elements of B are rotated A positions", "reverse first\nReverse elements of B along last axis"], +["⊖\n&", "rotate\nThe elements of B are rotated A positions along the first axis", "reverse\nReverse elements of B along first axis"], +["⍉\n^", "general transpose\nThe axes of B are ordered by A", "monadic transpose\nReverse the axes of B"], + +undef, + +# sorting and coding +["⍋\n\$", "grade up\nArrange B according to collating sequence specified by A", "grade up\nIndices of B which will arrange B in ascending order"], +["⍒\n#", "grade down\nArrange B according to inverse collating sequence specified by A", "grade down\nIndices of B which will arrange B in descending order"], +["⊤\nn", "encode\nBase-A representation of the value of B"], +["⊥\nb", "decode\nValue of a polynomial whose coefficients are B at A"], # miscellaneous -["¯", undef, "High minus\nDenotes a negative number"], -["⍝", undef, "Lamp, Comment\nEverything to the right of ⍝ denotes a comment"], -["→", undef, "RightArrow, Branch, GoTo\n→This_Label sends APL execution to This_Label:"], -["←", undef, "Assign, LeftArrow, Set to\nB←A sets values and shape of B to match A"], -["⎕", undef, "Quad"], -[")", undef, "Hook"], -); +["⍺", "picture format\nDisplays the numbers in B according to the instructions in A", "alpha"], +["⍕\n'", "specified format\nFormat B into a character matrix according to A", "format\nConvert to characters according to default display rules"], +["⍎\n;", "execute", "execute\nExecute an APL expression"], +["⎕\nl", undef, "evaluated I/O\nRead number or expression typed on the keyboard or display result with newline"], +["⍞\n{", undef, "bare I/O\nRead data typed on the keyboard as characters or display without terminating newline"], +[")", undef, "hook"], +["→\n]", undef, "goto\n→This_Label sends APL execution to This_Label:"], +["←\n[", undef, "assign\nB←A sets values and shape of B to match A"], +["⍝\n,", undef, "comment\nEverything to the right of ⍝ denotes a comment"], + +["_\nf"], +["∆\nh", "difference", "derivative"], +["∇\ng", undef, "edit\nToggle function definition mode"], +["⍫\n@", undef, "lock\nEdit a function which cannot be edited or displayed"], +["'\nk"], +["⍙\n>"], + +undef, + +# operators +["\\","expand\nInsert zeros (or blanks) in B corresponding to zeros in A", "scan\nRunning sum across B"], +["⍀\n.", "expand first", "scan first\nRunning sum down B"], +["/", "replicate\nSelect elements in B corresponding to ones in A", "reduce\nSum across B"], +["⌿\n/", "replicate first", "reduce first\nSum down B"], + +# array +["¯\n2", undef, "negative\nDenotes a negative number"], +["∝\na"], +["⍵\nw", "omega"], + +# monadic +["¨\n1", "each\nOver each, or perform each separately; B = on these; A = operation to perform or using (e.g. iota)"], +["⍨\nT", "commute\nExchanges the arguments of a dyadic function: A+⍨B ↔ B+A"], +["&", undef, "spawn"], +["⌶\n!", undef, "I-beam"], + +# dyadic +["⍠\n?", "variant"], +["⌸", "key\nApply function to each unique key in A and major cells of B having that key", "key\nApply function A to each unique key in B and elements of ⍳≢B having that key"], +["⍣\nP", "reapply\nThe function A is applied B times"], +[".", "inner product\nMatrix product of A and B"], +["∘.\nj", "outer product\nOuter product of A and B"], +["∘\nj", "compose"], +["⍤\nJ", "rank\nApply function successively to the sub-arrays in B specified by k"], +["⍥\nO", "coax"], + +];