#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.014; use warnings; use utf8; use re '/msx'; use open IO => ':encoding(utf-8)', ':std'; use JSON (); use Data::Dump 'pp'; our $VERSION = '1.01'; my $symname = eval { open my $keysymh, '<', 'data/keysymdef.json' or die $!; local $/; return JSON->new->decode(readline $keysymh); } or die "Could not read keysym definitions: $@\n"; my %geochar = ( TLDE => ["`", "~"], AE01 => ['1', "!"], AE02 => ['2', "\@"], AE03 => ['3', "#"], AE04 => ['4', "\$"], AE05 => ['5', "%"], AE06 => ['6', "^"], AE07 => ['7', "&"], AE08 => ['8', "*"], AE09 => ['9', "("], AE10 => ['0', ")"], AE11 => ["-", "_"], AE12 => ["=", "+"], AD01 => ["q", "Q"], AD02 => ["w", "W"], AD03 => ["e", "E"], AD04 => ["r", "R"], AD05 => ["t", "T"], AD06 => ["y", "Y"], AD07 => ["u", "U"], AD08 => ["i", "I"], AD09 => ["o", "O"], AD10 => ["p", "P"], AD11 => ["[", "{"], AD12 => ["]", "}"], AC01 => ["a", "A"], AC02 => ["s", "S"], AC03 => ["d", "D"], AC04 => ["f", "F"], AC05 => ["g", "G"], AC06 => ["h", "H"], AC07 => ["j", "J"], AC08 => ["k", "K"], AC09 => ["l", "L"], AC10 => [";", ":"], AC11 => ["'", '"'], LSGT => ["§", "±"], # mac AB01 => ["z", "Z"], AB02 => ["x", "X"], AB03 => ["c", "C"], AB04 => ["v", "V"], AB05 => ["b", "B"], AB06 => ["n", "N"], AB07 => ["m", "M"], AB08 => [",", "<"], AB09 => [".", ">"], AB10 => ["/", "?"], BKSL => ["\\","|"], ); my %res; while (readline) { my ($pos, $def) = m/^\h* key \h+ <(\w+)> \h+ \{ (.+?) \};/ or next; my @mode = map { [split /,\h*/] } $def =~ m/\[ \h* (.*?) \h* \]/g; for my $shift (0, 1) { defined(my $chr = $mode[0]->[$shift + 2]) or warn "missing $pos +$shift\n"; if ($chr =~ m/^U ([A-F0-9]+) $/) { $chr = chr hex $1; } elsif (defined $symname->{$chr}) { $chr = $symname->{$chr}; } else { warn "unknown symbol $chr at $pos\n"; } $res{$geochar{$pos}->[$shift] // $pos} = $chr; #$res{$pos}[$shift] = $symname->{$chr} // $chr; # geochar } } say pp(\%res) =~ s/(?<=") \\x \{? ([0-9A-F]{2,6}) \}?/chr hex $1/reg; __END__ =head1 NAME mkkeyboard-xkb-symbols - Character map of an xkb symbols file =head1 SYNOPSIS cat /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us | perl -ne 'print if /^xkb_symbols "intl"/../^\};/' | mkkeyboard-xkb-symbols >map-us-intl.inc.pl =head1 DESCRIPTION Parses C declarations inside an C section and returns a perl hash of normalised qwerty input to unicode output of 3rd and 4th levels (altgr and shift+altgr modes) to be manually cleaned and integrated in a keyboard page include. =head1 AUTHOR Mischa POSLAWSKY =head1 LICENSE Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.