<(common.inc.plp)><: Html({ title => 'words cheat sheet admin', version => '1.0', nocache => 1, raw => <<'EOT', EOT }); use List::Util qw( pairs pairkeys ); use Shiar_Sheet::FormRow; use JSON; my $db = eval { require Shiar_Sheet::DB; Shiar_Sheet::DB->connect; } or Abort('Database error', 501, $@); my $user = eval { my $rootpath = ($ENV{REQUEST_URI} // '/writer') =~ s{(?new( -name => 'login', -value => '', -path => $rootpath, -expires => 'now', )->as_string)) { delete $cookie{login}; die "Logged out as requested\n"; } Alert("Failed to log out", "Login cookie could not be removed."); } my $cookiedata = $cookie{login} or return; my ($name, $key) = split /[:\v]/, DecodeURI($cookiedata); my %rowmatch = (username => $name, pass => $key); my $found = $db->select(login => '*', \%rowmatch)->hash or die "Invalid user or password\n"; eval { require CGI::Cookie; my $httpcookie = CGI::Cookie->new( -name => 'login', -value => join(':', @{$found}{qw( username pass )}), -path => $rootpath, ) or die "prepared object is empty\n"; AddCookie($httpcookie->as_string); } or Abort(["Unable to create login cookie", $@], 403); return $found; } or do { say '

Login to edit words

'; Alert('Access denied', $@) if $@; say '
'; exit; }; my %lang = ( nl => ["\N{REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER N}\N{REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER L}", 'nederlands'], en => ["\N{REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER G}\N{REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER B}", 'english'], eo => ['', 'esperanto'], ru => ["\N{REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER R}\N{REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER U}", 'русский'], zh => ["\N{REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER C}\N{REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER N}", '中文'], la => ["\N{PUSHPIN}", 'latin'], ); my @wordcols = pairkeys my %wordcol = ( lang => {-label => 'Language', -select => { map { $_ => "@{$lang{$_}}" } keys %lang }}, cat => [{-label => 'Category'}, 'ref'], ref => {-label => 'Reference'}, prio => [ {-label => 'Level', -select => sub { my ($row) = @_; my @enum = qw[ essential basic common distinctive optional invisible ]; return { ('' => 'parent') x (defined $row->{ref}), map { $_ => $enum[$_] } 0 .. $#enum }; }}, 'cover', 'grade', ], cover => {-label => 'Highlighted', type => 'checkbox'}, grade => {-label => 'Order', type => 'number'}, form => {-label => 'Title'}, alt => {-label => 'Synonyms', -multiple => 1}, wptitle => {-label => 'Wikipedia'}, source => {-label => 'Image', -json => 'image', -src => sub { return "data/word/org/$_[0]->{id}.jpg"; }}, convert => {-label => 'Convert options', -json => 'image', -multiple => 1, -src => sub { return "data/word/en/$_[0]->{id}.jpg"; }}, story => {-label => 'Story', type => 'textarea', hidden => 'hidden'}, ); if (my $search = $fields{q}) { my %filter = (form => {ilike => '%'.$search.'%'}); my $results = $db->select(word => '*', \%filter); say '


\n"; exit; } my ($find) = map {{id => $_}} $fields{id} || $Request || (); my $row; if ($find) { $row = $db->select(word => '*', $find)->hash or Abort("Word not found", 404); } if (exists $get{copy}) { $row = {%{$row}{ qw(prio lang cat) }}; } elsif (defined $post{form}) {{ sub parseinput { return if not length $_[0]; require Encode; return Encode::decode_utf8($_[0]); } my $replace = $row; # currently stored $row = {}; # proposed update while (my ($col, $colinfo) = each %wordcol) { ref $colinfo eq 'HASH' or $colinfo = {}; my @val = map { parseinput($_) } $post{'@'.$col}->@*; my $val = $colinfo->{-multiple} && @val ? \@val : $val[-1]; if (my $jsoncol = $colinfo->{-json}) { defined $val and $row->{$jsoncol}->{$col} = $val; # hash will be encoded } else { $row->{$col} = $val; } } my $imagecol = $row->{image}; # backup image subcolumns ref $_ eq 'HASH' and $_ = encode_json($_) for values %{$row}; if (!$row->{form}) { if ($row->{ref} ne 'delete') { Alert("Empty title", "Confirm removal by setting Reference to delete." ); } else { $db->delete(word => $find); Alert("Entry removed"); } next; } eval { my %res = (returning => '*'); $row->{creator} = $user->{id} unless $find; $row->{updated} = ['now()']; my $query = $find ? $db->update(word => $row, $find, \%res) : $db->insert(word => $row, \%res); $row = $query->hash; } or do { Alert("Entry could not be saved", $@); next; }; eval { while (my ($lang, $val) = each %post) { my $field = $lang; $lang =~ s/^trans-// or next; $val = parseinput($val) or next; my %subrow = ( ref => $row->{id}, lang => $lang, form => $val, prio => undef, ); $subrow{wptitle} = $1 if $subrow{form} =~ s/\h*\[(.*)\]$//; # [Link] shorthand $subrow{alt} = [split m{/}, $1] if $subrow{form} =~ s{/(\S.*)}{}; # /alternates shorthand $db->insert(word => \%subrow); delete $fields{$field}; } return 1; } or Alert('Error creating translation entries', $@); require Shiar_Sheet::ImagePrep; my $image = Shiar_Sheet::ImagePrep->new($wordcol{source}->{-src}->($row)); my $reimage = eval { ($imagecol->{source} // '') ne ($replace->{source} // '') or return; $image->download($imagecol->{source}); }; !$@ or Alert(["Source image not found", $@]); $reimage ||= $row->{image} ~~ $replace->{image}; # different source $reimage ||= $row->{cover} ~~ $replace->{cover}; # resize $reimage++ if $fields{rethumb}; # force refresh if ($reimage) { eval { $image->convert($wordcol{convert}->{-src}->($row), $imagecol->{convert}); } or do { my ($warn, @details) = ref $@ ? @{$@} : $@; Alert([ "Thumbnail image not generated", $warn ], @details); }; } }} else { $row->{lang} //= $user->{editlang}->[0]; $row->{$_} = $get{$_} for keys %get; $row->{prio} = defined $row->{ref} ? undef : 1 unless exists $row->{prio}; } eval { my $imagerow = $row->{image} && decode_json(delete $row->{image}) || {}; while (my ($col, $val) = each %{$imagerow}) { $row->{$col} = $val; } 1; } or Alert("Error decoding image metadata", $@); my $title = $row->{id} ? "entry #$row->{id}" : 'new entry'; bless $row, 'Shiar_Sheet::FormRow'; :>

Words <:= $title :>

<: if ($row->{id}) { :> <: } :>