#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.014; use warnings; use utf8; use lib '.'; use open OUT => ':encoding(utf-8)', ':std'; use Data::Dump 'pp'; our $VERSION = '1.03'; my %info = ( # prepare presentational string for some control(lish) entries "\xAD" => {string => '-'}, "\x{200E}" => {string => '→'}, "\x{200F}" => {string => '←'}, "\x{200B}" => {string => '␣'}, # nbsp: ~ in TeX "\x{200C}" => {string => '|'}, # ISO-9995-7-081 lookalike (alt: ∣ ⊺ ⟙) "\x{200D}" => {string => '⁀'}, # join (alt: ∤ |ͯ ⨝) (map {( $_ => {string => chr(9676).$_.chr(9676)} )} map {chr} # combining double 0x35C .. 0x362, 0x1DCD, 0x1DFC, ), ); $info{chr $_} //= {} for 32 .. 126; eval { my $tables = do './unicode-table.inc.pl' or die $@ || $!; for (values %$tables) { for (values %$_) { for (@$_) { length $_ == 1 or next; # ignore meta values s/\\//; # unescape $info{$_} //= {}; } } } 1; } or warn "Failed reading unicode tables: $@"; for my $layout ('macos-abc', 'windows') { eval { my $kbd = do "./keyboard/altgr/$layout.eng.inc.pl" or die $@ || $!; $info{$_} //= {} for map {s/◌//g; m/\A./g} values %{ $kbd->{key} }; 1; } or warn "Failed reading additional keyboard map $layout: $@"; } eval { require HTML::Entities; our %char2entity; HTML::Entities->import('%char2entity'); while (my ($char, $entity) = each %char2entity) { $entity =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ or next; # only actual aliases $info{$char}->{html} = substr($entity, 1, -1); } 1; } or warn "Failed importing html entities: $@"; my %diinc = ( './data/digraphs-rfc.inc.pl' => 'u-di', './data/digraphs-shiar.inc.pl' => 'u-prop', './data/digraphs-vim.inc.pl' => 'u-vim', ); for (sort keys %diinc) { -e $_ or next; my $di = do $_ or die "Error reading digraphs file $_: ", $@ || $!; for my $mnem (sort keys %{$di}) { my $cp = $di->{$mnem}; length $mnem == 2 or next; # limit to digraphs my $class = $diinc{$_}; $info{$cp}->{di} //= $mnem; $info{$cp}->{class}->{$class}++; } } eval { # read introducing unicode versions for known characters my $agemap = do './data/unicode-age.inc.pl' or die $@ || $!; for my $chr (keys %info) { my $version = $agemap->{ord $chr} or next; $info{$chr}->{class}->{'u-v'.$version}++ } 1; } or warn "Failed including unicode version data: $@"; for my $chr (keys %info) { my $cp = ord $chr; #my $info = glyph_mkinfo($cp) or next; # attempt to get unicode character information my $info = eval { require Unicode::UCD; Unicode::UCD::charinfo($cp) || { block => '?', category => 'Xn', name => '', script => '' } } or next; $info->{$_} = $info{$chr}->{$_} for keys %{ $info{$chr} }; # ignore vim flag in addition to rfc support, replace otherwise $info->{class}->{'u-di'} or $info->{class}->{'u-prop'}++ if delete $info->{class}->{'u-vim'}; # categorise by unicode types and writing script $info->{class}->{$_}++ for $info->{category}; $info->{class}->{$_}++ for $info->{script} || (); # add custom categories for certain blocks $info->{class}->{Xa}++ if $info->{block} eq 'Basic Latin'; $info->{class}->{Xl}++ if $info->{block} eq 'Latin-1 Supplement'; { if ($info->{string}) { # keep predefined presentational string } elsif ($info->{combining}) { # overlay combining accents $info->{string} = chr(9676) . $chr; } elsif (($cp & ~0b1001_1111) == 0 or $cp == 127) { # control characters (first 32 chars from 0 and 128) # rename to something more descriptive $info->{name} = $info->{unicode10} ? '<'.$info->{unicode10}.'>' # the old name was much more useful : sprintf('', $cp); # at least identify by value # show descriptive symbols instead of control chars themselves $info->{string} = $cp < 32 ? chr($cp + 0x2400) : $cp == 127 ? chr(0x2421) : chr(0xFFFD); } } $info{$chr} = $info; } # output perl code of hash say "# automatically generated by $0"; say 'use utf8;'; say '+{'; for my $cp (sort keys %info) { $info{$cp}->{classstr} = join(' ', sort keys %{ $info{$cp}->{class} }); # convert info hashes into arrays of strings to output in display order my $row = [ map { $info{$cp}->{$_} } qw/classstr name di html string/ ]; # strip off trailing missing values (especially string may be unknown) defined $row->[-1] ? last : pop @$row for 1 .. @$row; # final line (assume safe within single quotes) say sprintf '"\x{%X}" => [%s],', ord $cp, join(',', map { escapeq($_) } @$row); } say '}'; sub escapeq { local $_ = shift; return 'undef' if not defined; s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; return "'$_'"; } __END__ =head1 NAME mkcharinfo - Gather Unicode character details in Perl array =head1 SYNOPSIS mkcharinfo > unicode-char.inc.pl Test by printing the description of U+0041 (latin A): perl -e'$u = do "unicode-char.inc.pl"; print $u->{A}->[1]' =head1 AUTHOR Mischa POSLAWSKY =head1 LICENSE Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.