<(common.inc.plp)><: my $mode = ($Request // '') eq 'xorg' || exists $get{xorg}; my $modename = $mode ? 'X.Org' : 'RFC-1345'; Html({ title => 'digraph cheat sheet', version => '1.3', description => [ "Complete table of digraph characters from $modename.", ], keywords => [qw' digraph mnemonic compose composition pair character char glyph table unicode vim xorg x11 x '], stylesheet => [qw'light'], data => [qw( data/digraphs.inc.pl )], }); :>

<:= $modename :> Digraphs

Character mnemonics following compose key ⎄<: say join("\n", $mode ? ( ' in the X Window System (Shift+AltGr by default).', 'Differences from RFC-1345 are indicated.', ) : (':', 'i^k in Vim,', '^u^\ in Emacs,', '^a^v in Screen.', 'Similar but different from X.Org.', ), 'Also see common Unicode.

', ); say '

Unofficial proposals', ' are available as ex commands.' if not $mode; :> <: my $di = Data('digraphs'); if (exists $get{v}) { # show characters for inverted mnemonics (vim alternatives) $di->{key}->{ substr($_, 1, 1) . substr($_, 0, 1) } ||= [ $di->{key}->{$_}->[0], '', 'l0 ex', '', $di->{key}->{$_}->[4] ] for grep { ref $di->{key}->{$_} } keys %{ $di->{key} }; } my @chars = ( [qw{! " % ' ( ) * + , - . /}], ['0'..'9'], [qw{: ; < = > ?}], ['A'..'M'], ['N'..'Z'], ['a'..'m'], ['n'..'z'], ); my @chars2 = (['_'], @chars); # trailing character (extended set) my @columns = !exists $get{split} ? \@chars2 : ([@chars2[0, 1, 3, 4, 6]], [@chars2[2, 5, 7]]); if ($mode) { my $xorg = Data('digraphs-xorg'); $_->[3] = undef for values %{$xorg}; # reset alias classes $xorg->{$_}->[2] = # class = compatibility !$di->{key}->{$_} ? 'l2' : # free $di->{key}->{$_}->[0] != $xorg->{$_}->[0] ? 'l1' : # conflict $di->{key}->{$_}->[2] eq 'l4' ? 'l5' : # rfc 'l3' # any for keys %{$xorg}; for my $cp (map {$_->[0]} values %{$xorg}) { next if (state $seen = {})->{$cp}++; # List::MoreUtils::uniq # find multiple equivalent mnemonics my @equiv = grep {$cp eq $_->[0]} map {$xorg->{$_}} sort keys %{$xorg}; # values ordered by mnem. # search for the most compatible match my ($compat) = sort { $equiv[$b]->[2] cmp $equiv[$a]->[2] # highest level || $b <=> $a # fallback to last mnemonic } 0 .. $#equiv; # reclassify all but one as level 0 (omitted) splice @equiv, $compat // -1, 1, (); $_->[2] = 'l0 ex' for @equiv; } $chars2[0] = [qw( # ^ _ ` ~ )]; @chars = @chars2; $di->{key} = $xorg; } for my $colchars (@columns) { print ''; print qq'' for map {scalar @$_} @{$colchars}; say ''; for my $section (qw{thead tfoot}) { print "<$section>'; for my $c1 (@$c1group) { print '
↳"; print '', EscapeHTML($_) for map {@$_} @{$colchars}; say ' '; } for my $c1group (@chars) { print '
', EscapeHTML($c1); for my $c2 (map {@$_} @$colchars) { my $mnem = $c1 . $c2; if (not defined $di->{key}->{$mnem}) { print ''; next; } if (ref $di->{key}->{$mnem} ne 'ARRAY') { printf '', EscapeHTML($mnem); next; } my ($codepoint, $name, $support, $script, $string) = @{ $di->{key}->{$mnem} }; my $glyph = $string || chr $codepoint; utf8::upgrade($glyph); # prevent latin1 output my $desc = $mnem . ($name && " ($name)"); my @class = ('X', grep {$_} $script); push @class, $mode ? $support : "u-$support" if $support; $glyph = EscapeHTML($glyph); $glyph = "$glyph" if $script =~ /\bZs\b/; printf "\n".'%s', join(' ', @class), EscapeHTML($desc), $glyph; } say "\n", EscapeHTML($c1); } } say '
'; print '

' if exists $get{split}; } if ($mode) { :>
matching RFC-1345 matching proposal unique to Xorg conflict duplicate
<: } else { :>
control space combining spacing modifier quote punctuation symbol math currency numeric greek cyrillic latin hebrew arabic korean japanese chinese
<: print qq(\n\t
$di->{flag}->{$_}) for sort keys %{ $di->{flag} }; :>
<: }