<(common.inc.plp)><: Html({ title => 'cheat sheets', version => 'v1.6', description => [ "Cheat sheets summarising various software programs and standards.", ], keywords => [qw' sheet cheat reference software overview summary help keyboard map unicode '], stylesheet => [qw'light dark red'], }); :>

Shiar's cheat sheets

Through the miracle of formatting, design, abbreviation, compression, and Perl, the following topics have been condensed into single pages of reference.
Originally created by Mischa Poslawsky, but you're free to use, print, alter, and redistribute under the AGPL license.

<: my @format = ('--date=short', "--pretty=%ad (%ar)\t%s"); if (open my $log, '-|', git => 'log', -1, @format) {{ my $line = readline $log; $line or next; # explicitly ignore empty input my ($date, $subject) = split /[\t\n]/, $line; $date =~ s/ \K// and $date .= ''; print "

Last update: $date $subject

\n"; }} :>

Keyboard maps

Unicode characters

Other references