<(common.inc.plp)><: Html({ title => 'latin alphabet cheat sheet', version => '1.6', description => [ ], keywords => [qw' latin roman alphabet script letter unicode font glyph abc code encoding spelling symbol writing comparison character secret cursive fraktur blind braille morse deaf asl hand barcode bar color semaphore flag '], stylesheet => [qw( light dark red mono )], data => ['writing-latn.inc.pl'], }); :>

Latin alphabet

Variant encodings of the common ASCII (latin, roman, or 'mercan) letters A–Z. Also see related alphabets and font comparison.

<: use List::Util qw( pairs ); my @table = Data('writing-latn'); { say '
'; say '\n"; my %VOWELCOLS = (map { ($_ => 1) } 0, 4, 8, 14, 20, 24); say ''; say ''; for my $row (pairs @table) { my ($id, $info) = @{$row}; printf '', $id; my $th = 'th'; $th .= sprintf ' title="%s"', $_ for $info->{title} || (); say "<$th>", $info->{name} // ucfirst $id; my $colspan = 1; my $col = 0; for (@{ $info->{list} }) { $col++; if ($_ eq '>') { $colspan++; next; } my @class; push @class ,'l0' if $VOWELCOLS{$col - $colspan}; push @class, $_ ? 'ex' : 'u-invalid' if s/^-//; print "\t 26) { # special character for sample generation print ' hidden'; # sample only } else { print ' title=', chr($col + ord('A') - $colspan); } if ($colspan > 1) { print " colspan=$colspan"; $colspan = 1; } printf ' class="%s"', "@class" if @class; print '>'; say; } } say "
# ASCII − 64'; print '', $_ for 1 .. 26; say '
"; } :>