#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use open OUT => ':utf8', ':std'; use File::Basename 'basename'; use Data::Dump 'pp'; our $VERSION = '1.01'; my @fontlist; my %cover; my $incsuffix = '.inc.pl'; for my $fontfile (glob 'ttfsupport/*'.$incsuffix) { my ($fontid) = basename($fontfile, $incsuffix); my ($fontmeta, @fontrange) = do $fontfile or next; $fontmeta->{file} = $fontid; push @fontlist, $fontmeta; $cover{$fontid} = { map { (chr $_ => 1) } @fontrange }; } my %charlist; my $chartables = do 'unicode-table.inc.pl' or warn $@ || $!; if ($chartables) { while (my ($tablegroup, $grouprow) = each %{$chartables}) { while (my ($tablename, $chars) = each %{$grouprow}) { next if $tablename =~ /^-/; my $includerows; # ignore rows before body row for (@{$chars}) { $includerows ||= m/^[.]/ or next; next if /^[.-]/; next if $_ eq '>' or $_ eq '='; s/^\\//; # escape push @{ $charlist{table}->{"$tablegroup/$tablename"} }, $_; push @{ $charlist{table}->{$tablegroup} }, $_; } } # if ($tablegroup eq 'ipa') { # @chars = grep { !m/[a-zA-Z]/ } @chars; # } } } eval { require HTML::Entities; our %char2entity; HTML::Entities->import('%char2entity'); while (my ($char, $entity) = each %char2entity) { $entity =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ or next; # only actual aliases push @{ $charlist{table}->{html} }, $char; } 1; } or warn "Could not include count for html entities: $@"; use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo'; for my $code (0 .. 256**2) { my $charinfo = charinfo($code) or next; next if $charinfo->{category} =~ /^[MC]/; # ignore Marks and "other" Control chars push @{ $charlist{$_}->{ $charinfo->{$_} } }, chr $code for qw( script category block ); } for (values %charlist) { for my $chars (values %{$_}) { my %row; $row{support} = [ map { scalar grep { defined } @{ $cover{$_->{file}} }{ @{$chars} } } @fontlist ]; $row{count} = scalar @{$chars}; $row{query} = eval { my @query = map { ord } sort @{$chars}; my $i = 0; while ($i < @query) { my $j = $i + 1; my $v = $query[$i]; while ($j < @query) { $v++; last if $query[$j] != $v; $j++; } if ($j - $i > 2) { splice(@query, $i, $j - $i, "$query[$i]-$query[$j-1]"); } $i++; } return join '+', @query; }; $chars = \%row; } } $charlist{fonts} = \@fontlist; my %osfonts = ( win95 => [qw( arial arialuni lucidau verdana times courier )], # microsoft mac10 => [qw( helvetica lucida times garamond palatino )], # apple android => [qw( roboto noto )], # google oss => [qw( dvsans c2k unifont opensans )], ); my %fontnum = map { ($fontlist[$_]->{file} => $_) } 0 .. $#fontlist; while (my ($os, $fontids) = each %osfonts) { $charlist{os}->{$os} = [ map { $fontnum{$_} // () } @{$fontids} ]; } $charlist{osdefault} = [qw( win95 mac10 oss android )]; say "# automatically generated by $0"; say 'use utf8;'; say '+'.pp(\%charlist); __END__ =head1 NAME mkfontinfo - Prepare font coverage of various character groups =head1 SYNOPSIS mkfontinfo > unicode-cover.inc.pl Test by finding the number of cyrillic characters in DejaVu Sans: perl -E'$f = do "unicode-cover.inc.pl"; say $f->{Cyrillic}->{dvsans}' =head1 AUTHOR Mischa POSLAWSKY =head1 LICENSE Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.