#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Data::StarCraft::Replay; my $SHOWWARN = 0; my $ACTGIF = undef; my $APMSVG = undef; use Getopt::Long; GetOptions( "verbose|v!" => \$SHOWWARN, "apm|a=s" => \$APMSVG, "act" => \$ACTGIF, ); use constant { APM_FIRSTFRAME => 80 / .042 }; my @race = (qw(Z T P), (undef) x 3, '-'); sub showtime { my $time = shift() * .042; my $minutes = int($time / 60); return sprintf "%d:%04.1f", $minutes, $time - $minutes * 60; } sub unpackhash { my ($template, $expr, @elements) = @_; my @data = unpack $template, $expr; my %map; $map{$_} = shift @data for @elements; return (\%map, @data); } local $_ = Data::StarCraft::Replay::_read(undef, \*STDIN, 633) and my ($head, @headdata) = unpackhash("CVa3Va12Z28v2Z16Z24CZ26a38a*", $_, qw( engine frames mag1 time mag2 name width height unknown1 creator unknown2 map unknown3 )) or die "Couldn't read replay header\n"; $_ eq "\0\0\110" or warn sprintf( "Mismatch in first header constant: %s\n", join ",", map ord, split //, $_ ) for $head->{mag1}; $_ eq "\10"x8 . "\0"x4 or warn sprintf( "Mismatch in second header constant: %s\n", join ",", map ord, split //, $_ ) for $head->{mag2}; delete $head->{$_} for qw(mag1 mag2 unknown1 unknown2); my @playdata = unpack "Va32"x12 . "V8C8", $headdata[0] or die "Couldn't parse player data in replay header\n"; my (@player, @slot); for (0 .. 11) { my $number = shift @playdata; defined $player[$number] and warn "Player #$number redefined"; my ($data) = unpackhash("VcccZ25", shift @playdata, qw( slot type race unknown name )); defined $race[$_] ? ($data->{race} = $race[$_]) : warn "Unknown race #$_ for player $number" for $data->{race}; $slot[$data->{slot}] = $number if $data->{slot} < 16; $player[$number] = $data; } $player[$_]->{color} = shift @playdata for 0 .. 7; $player[$_]->{index} = shift @playdata for 0 .. 7; sub showplayer { my $id = shift; my $playdata = $player[$slot[$id]]; return defined $playdata ? sprintf '%s (%s)', $playdata->{name}, $playdata->{race} : "#$id"; } printf "%s: %s\n", $_, $head->{$_} for qw(name creator); use Date::Format; printf "created: %s\n", time2str('%Y-%m-%d %X', $_) for $head->{time}; printf "map: %s (%dx%d)\n", map $head->{$_}, qw(map width height); printf "frames: %s (%s)\n", $_, showtime($_) for $head->{frames}; print "\n"; if ($SHOWWARN) { print Dumper $head; print Dumper \@player; #printf ":%s\n", join ",", map sprintf('%X', ord $_), split // for @headdata; print "\n"; } my $map = Data::StarCraft::Replay->new->open(\*STDIN); if ($SHOWWARN) { for (@$map) { my ($time, $player, $desc, @data) = @$_; printf("@%s #%d %s: %s\n", showtime($time), $player, $desc, join(", ", @data) ); } } my %cmdmacro = map {$_ => 1} ( (map {$_, "cancel $_"} qw/train build hatch research upgrade arm/, ), qw/hotkey vision part rally/, # rally ); my %stats; # player => count for (@$map) { $stats{$_->[1]}{actions}++; $stats{$_->[1]}{gameactions}++ if $_->[0] >= APM_FIRSTFRAME; $stats{$_->[1]}{last} = $_->[0] if $_->[2] eq "part"; $stats{$_->[1]}{$cmdmacro{$_->[2]} ? "macro" : "micro"}++; $stats{$_->[1]}{count}{$_->[2]}++; } for my $player (sort keys %stats) { my $row = $stats{$player}; $row->{last} ||= $map->[-1][0]; # printf("%-16s%6d actions (%3d micro,%4d macro);%4d APM\n", my $name = showplayer($player); printf("%-16s%6d actions in%7d frames (%s) = %d APM\n", $name, $row->{actions}, $row->{last}, showtime($row->{last}), # $row->{micro} / $row->{last} * 60 / .042 * 1.05, # $row->{macro} / $row->{last} * 60 / .042 * 1.05, $row->{gameactions} / ($row->{last} - APM_FIRSTFRAME) * 60 / .042, ); if (0) { my @order; # pos => [ [ pct, cmd ] ] my $i = 2; push @{$order[++$i % 16]}, [ ($_->[0] / $row->{last}), $_->[6] ] for grep {$_->[1] == $player and $_->[2] eq "build"} @$map; print "build order:\n"; for (@order) { my $lastpos = 0; for (@$_) { my ($pos, $txt) = @$_; print ' ' x ($pos*60 - $lastpos); $txt = substr $txt, 0, 8; print $txt; $lastpos = $pos + length $txt; } print "\n"; } } printf("action distribution: %s\n", join(", ", map { sprintf "%s (%d%%)", $_, $row->{count}{$_} / $row->{actions} * 100 } ( sort {$row->{count}{$b} <=> $row->{count}{$a}} keys %{ $row->{count} } )[0..7]), ) if 0; } if ($ACTGIF) { open my $imgfile, '>', "test.gif" or die; binmode $imgfile; select $imgfile; use GD; my $ani = GD::Image->new($head->{width}, $head->{height}); my $bg = $ani->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0); my @plot = ( $ani->colorAllocate(255, 0, 0), $ani->colorAllocate(255, 255, 0), $ani->colorAllocate(0, 255, 0), $ani->colorAllocate(0, 255, 255), $ani->colorAllocate(0, 0, 255), $ani->colorAllocate(255, 0, 255), ); print $ani->gifanimbegin; # print $ani->gifanimadd; { my $frame = GD::Image->new($ani->getBounds); print $frame->gifanimadd; my $length = 30 / .042; my $last = 0; for (@$map) { my ($time, $player, $cmd, @data) = @$_; #$time < $length * 10 or last; while ($time > $last + $length) { $last += $length; print $frame->gifanimadd(0, 0, 0, 32); # $frame = GD::Image->new($ani->getBounds); } if ($cmd eq "build") { $frame->setPixel($data[1]>>5, $data[2]>>5, $plot[$player]); } elsif ($cmd eq "move" or $cmd eq "attack") { $frame->setPixel($data[0]>>5, $data[1]>>5, $plot[$player]); # if $data[2] == 0xFFFF_FFFF; } } # add_frame_data($frame); print $frame->gifanimadd; } print $ani->gifanimend; select STDOUT; } if ($APMSVG) { my @seq; # player => time (s) => actions $seq[$_->[1]][$_->[0] * .042]++ for @$map; my $flatten = 120; my @apm; for my $player (0 .. $#seq) { my $range = 0; $range += $seq[$player][$_] || 0 for 0 .. $flatten - 1; my $leadfill = $range / $flatten; for my $frame (0 .. $#{$seq[$player]}) { $range += $seq[$player][$frame] || 0; $range -= $frame < $flatten ? $leadfill : $seq[$player][$frame - $flatten] || 0; $apm[$player][$frame] = $range / $flatten; } } BEGIN { unshift @INC, '.' } use SVG::TT::Graph::TimeSeries; my $graph = SVG::TT::Graph::TimeSeries->new({ height => 1200, width => 1600, style_sheet => "apm.css", show_data_values => 0, show_data_points => 0, x_label_format => '%k:%M', key => 1, timescale_divisions => "5 minutes", # compress => 1, }); for my $player (0 .. $#apm) { $graph->add_data({ data => [map { time2str('%Y-%m-%d %X', 946681200 + $_), $apm[$player][$_] * 60 } 0 .. $#{$apm[$player]} ], title => showplayer($player), }); } my ($name) = $APMSVG =~ /([^.]+)/; my $title = "APM timeline" . ($name && " for $name"); my $lead = sprintf "\n%s", $title; my $svg = $graph->burn(); s/^[ \t\r]+\n//gm, # remove lines with only whitespace (many useless ^M) s/[ \t\r]+$//gm, # trailing whitespace s/ {4}\r*/\t/g, # tabs for indenting s/^(]*>)/${1}100%${2}100%$3$lead/m, for $svg; # cleanup xml open my $apmfile, '>', "$APMSVG.svg"; print $apmfile $svg; }