possible bugs * fail on insufficient space near-future * only global pause (handled by server in mp) every client still has readiness flag * correct cursorposition at quit * echo \r * transmit player fields of game in progress to new player * server has to maintain copy of player fields * server also handles endgame stats * completely fix redraw * server should deny duplicate nicks * display total frags for players (by server?) * spacebar toggles readiness as well * seperate set of key bindings during pause? * wrong time after first match at second player * toggleable message window asap * MENUTHINGY :) * write options to file * all messages in single include file * timestamps * backtrace... * multiple players using a single (larger) field * wrap multiline messages at word end * commands * basic irc / tetrinet client: /me, /msg * basic tetrinet client: /move * server info: /who (also in tetrinet), /version, /whois * /nick, /team (requires server passing) * remaining tetrinet: /join, /list, /op, /kick, /winlist, /setwinlist, /start, /stats, /tstats, /rules, /news, /faqs, /features, /motd * observers (join as g/o player) * bot as seperate client * time-based singleplayer leveling? * fix -f (both client+server) * more server options (field size..) * save hiscores distant future * server can rate players (skill ranking) * persistent data (retain info if players quit) * store data when server quits (and prolly at interval) * reliably identify players (login? identd?) * inter-server exchange? (global rank) * different key procedure? (allowing for multiple keys simoultaniously?) * vertical cropping of enemy fields (merging two lines into one!) * server can add lines after specified time * sounds * graphics.... (or at least x version for keys) * extra alarm event for effects * line clear animations (flash) * multiple next pieces * hold * special blocks * inventory * player keys * delete key? * blocks+actions abcd.fg_i..lmnopqrs__v_x.z * tetrinet: * a: add (junk)line * b: remove specials on field * c: clear (bottom) line * g: gravity (move all blocks down) * n: nuke field * o: block bomb (3x3 blocks around any bombs on field are cleared) * q: quake (shift lines left or right) * r: remove 10 blocks at random * s: swap fields * suggested: * d (w): donate (next inv block given to other player) * f (u): flip (symetric vertical inversion) * h: hide (replaces inventory blocks by ?) (one block restored per line added?) * l: lower (all specials from field going down (g)) * p: purge (half remove special blocks from inventory) * t: take (take 2 specials from target player field) * ?: mystery (block only revealed in inventory) * tetrinet 2: * d: darkness (temporarily blackens your field except around current piece) * f: confusion (temporarily rearranges controls) * i: attack immunity (invincible to attacks) * m: mutated pieces (gives several difficult pieces) * v: clear column (erases vertical line) * blocktrix: * l: left gravity (pulls all blocks to the left) * p: piece change (randomly changes player's currently falling piece) * z: zebra field (clear every second column) * ideas: * x: seperate blocks (cut all shared pieces in quadra) * quadra compatible? * tetrinet compatible? (prolly not) * new+better bot? * ipv6 * replay ability? (tspec replay and/or quadra rec compatible?) * demo playable as intro * create record spelling out netris logo * completely customizable window layout * adjustable player order (maybe even in config by nick/hostname) * multiple channels per server * /join and /part * hold piece * multiple level block preview * customizable colors * original: BT_I=RED, O=BLUE, T=ORANGE, L=MAGENTA, J=WHITE, S=GREEN, Z=CYAN * sega: BT_I=RED, O=YELLOW, T=CYAN, L=ORANGE, J=BLUE, S=MAGENTA, Z=GREEN * atari: BT_I=RED, O=BLUE, T=GREEN, L=MAGENTA, J=YELLOW, S=CYAN, Z=ORANGE * quadra: BT_I=GREEN, O=ORANGE, T=BLUE, L=MAGENTA, J=YELLOW, S=CYAN, Z=RED * tetrinet: BT_I=BLUE, O=YELLOW, T=YELLOW, L=MAGENTA, J=GREEN, S=RED, Z=BLUE * guideline: BT_I=CYAN, O=YELLOW, T=MAGENTA, L=ORANGE, J=BLUE, S=GREEN, Z=RED consider * colored shadows