;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;---------------------- NEMESIS ----------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; >>> NEMESIS <<< Version 0.94 BETA by SHIAR ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; SHIAR *** shiar0@hotmail.com *** ICQ#43840958 *** come.to/shiar ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; DESCRIPTION: Fast+cool arcade-game based on the old MSX-game ; CALC: TI-86 only ; FILES: 86P (3624) Z80 (62443) ; BETA: I hope to release the full game around december 1999 ; ABOUT: This source should only be used for learning practises, do not ; alter it, and certainly do not distribute an altered version!! ; &&& marks uncertainties or things to optimize ;---------------------- nemesis.z80 start ------------------------------------- .include "asm86.h" .include "ti86asm.inc" .include "ti86abs.inc" .org _asm_exec_ram #define cal call ;just to make it harder for you to understand #define psh push ; ^:D _dispahl = $4A33 TEXT_MEM = $C0F9 ;-$C1A0 ;_textShadow ;167 bytes ($A7) DELC_LEN = $C012 ;-$C076 ;_undelBufLen ;100 bytes ($64) ;---------------------- in-game vars ------------------------------------------ just_fired = TEXT_MEM ;$C0F9 ;counts how long a blast lasts curline = TEXT_MEM ;$C0F9 ;used to display SFX menuitem = TEXT_MEM ;$C0F9 temp1 = TEXT_MEM+1 ;$C0FA-C0FB ;(2 bytes) RanPos = TEXT_MEM+3 ;$C0FC ;used for making random values timer = TEXT_MEM+4 ;$C0FD ;frame counter x = TEXT_MEM+5 ;$C0FE ;your ship's position y = x+1 ;$C0FF ;your y-pos firex = TEXT_MEM+7 ;$C100 ;(1 byte) firey = firex+1 ;$C101 ;(1 byte) mx = TEXT_MEM+9 ;$C102 ;position of multiple#1 my = mx+1 ;$C103 ;multiple y-pos bossx = $8001 bossy = bossx+1 bossmy = bossy+1 level_enemy = TEXT_MEM+11 ;$C104 ;enemy type eventtime = TEXT_MEM+12 ;$C105 ;enemy frequency eventleft = TEXT_MEM+13 ;$C106 ;nr. of enemies still to come nextevent = TEXT_MEM+14 ;$C107 ;time to next event pickuptimer = TEXT_MEM+15 ;$C108 ;counts when to place a pickup level_occ = TEXT_MEM+16 ;$C109 level_move = $8010 level_fire = $8011 spacespace = $8012 groundinfo = spacespace+1 ;$8013 groundpos = groundinfo+1 ;$8014 $10 ceilingpos = groundpos+16 ;$8023 $10 stars1 = ceilingpos+16 ;$8033 stars2 = stars1+1 ;$8034 nrybullets = 20 ybullets = TEXT_MEM+17 ;$C10A ;60 bytes = 20(state,x,y) nrebullets = 10 ebullets = ybullets+(nrybullets*3) ;30 bytes = 10(state,x,y) your_locpos = ebullets+(nrebullets*3) ;position in your_prevpos table your_prevpos = your_locpos+1 ;saves previous positions (32d) nrstars1 = 7 starx1 = your_prevpos+32 ;ends at C192 nrstars2 = 7 starx2 = starx1+(nrstars1*2) ;ends at C1A0 nrenemies = 10 enemies = DELC_LEN+1 add2enemy = nrenemies*4 enemiesxtra = enemies+add2enemy ;enemies: ; %111111 (HP left) 11 (00=no enemy 01=exploding 10=normal 11=moving) ; %11111111 (ship type or explosion frame) %11111111 (x) %11111111 (y) ;enemiesxtra: ; $11 (move) $11 (fire) $11 (bullettype) ;---------------------- introduction ------------------------------------------ nop ;hello yas/ase/rascall/whathever jp init ;here's the program, but first: a description .dw $0001 ;description type 2 (description + YASicon) .dw Title ;pointer to description (all shells) .dw Icon ;pointer to YAS icon Title: .db "Nemesis v0.94 by Shiar",0 Icon: .db 8,1 ;icon for YAS: width = 1byte; height = 9bytes .db %11100000 ; ███ .db %01111000 ; ████ .db %00111110 ; █████ .db %01111001 ; ████ █ .db %00111110 ; █████ .db %01111000 ; ████ .db %11100000 ; ███ ;recommend 80x50 screen mode .DB 0 ;clear stupid YAS-line ;---------------------- init -------------------------------------------------- init: cal BUSY_OFF ;turns the run-indicator off, obviously cal CLEARLCD ;clean the screen xor a ;: reset: ld (iy+13),a ;>system vars ld (DELC_LEN),a ;>buffer so we can use the space to store vars ld a,(CONTRAST) ;load current contrast level cp $1f ;if already at maximum... jr z,skipdarken ;...then skip level increase inc a ;otherwise increase contrast level skipdarken: out (2),a ;set it ;---------------------- main menu --------------------------------------------- LogoPut: xor a ;white bitmask (a=0) ld b,16 ;one line ld hl,logo_nemesis ;from... ld de,VIDEO_MEM+16 ;...to one line from top AboveLogo: ld (de),a ;clear/n byte inc de ;next djnz AboveLogo ;repeat for the first line ld bc,16*19 ;logo size ldir ;display one line of logo ; ld hl,GRAPH_MEM ;cleared line ; ld bc,16 ;size=one line ; ldir ;also clear one line below the logo ; ld a,-1 ;first line is -1+1=0 ; ld b,21 ;with first 21 lines: ; cal DoSFX ;do special effect &&&skip ld hl,VIDEO_MEM+(16*$39)+4 ;$39 rows down, 4 cols right (4*8=$20) ld b,8 ;draw 8x one byte = 8*8 = 64 pixels wide ld a,%11111111 ;horizontal line mask underline: ld (hl),a ;draw one piece of the divider-line inc hl ;move right (8 pixels = 1 byte) djnz underline ;repeat set 3,(iy+5) ;set white on black ld hl,$3320 ;near the bottom of the screen ld (_penCol),hl ld hl,txt_about ;display version and author (yes, that's me!) cal _vputs ;useful procedure if you want to display somtn res 3,(iy+5) ;return to default black on white ld hl,$3a1e ;below previous stuff ld (_penCol),hl ld hl,txt_email ;hey, my e-mail address so SEND ME SOMETHING!! cal _vputs ;VERY important, so display in small font ?:} dispmenu: ld de,$0304 ld (_curRow),de ld hl,txt_menu1 cal _puts ld de,$0305 ld (_curRow),de ld hl,txt_menu2 cal _puts xor a ld (menuitem),a menuloop: ld a,(menuitem) ld h,$01 add a,4 ld l,a ld a,5 ld (_curRow),hl cal _putc ld a,(menuitem) ld h,$01 sub 5 neg ld l,a ld a,32 ld (_curRow),hl cal _putc halt \ halt \ halt \ halt cal GET_KEY ;wait for keypress cp K_UP jr z,menuchange cp K_DOWN jr z,menuchange cp K_EXIT jp z,game_over_nopop cp K_ENTER jr nz,menuloop ld a,(menuitem) dec a cal z,Story cal New_game ;prepare level jr game_main_loop menuchange: ld a,(menuitem) xor 1 ld (menuitem),a jr menuloop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;---------------------- game loop --------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ game_main_loop: ;REPEATS FROM HERE EVERY FRAME ld hl,timer ;update time inc (hl) ;increase by 1 ld b,(hl) ;new time, save for rand# upd. (no flag change) jr nz,updaterandom ;continue when new time <> 0 ld hl,1 ;once every 256 frames, increase score by 1 cal scoreInc ;do it updaterandom: ld hl,RanPos ;random counter ld a,r add a,(hl) ;random value add a,b ;even more random by adding timer ;.db $80+7 ; ld (hl),a ;save even more random value back Clear_screen: ld hl,GRAPH_MEM ;move from (hl) = top left ld (hl),$00 ;first pixel will be copied all over the screen ld de,GRAPH_MEM+1 ;(de) = next pixel, thus clearing whole screen ld bc,896 ;loop 896 times = (128/8) * (64-8 for scorebar) ldir ;clear! ld a,(timer) and %11 jr z,movestarsdone cal movestars1 ;move the stars on the FRONT layer cal movestars2 ;move the distant stars far, far away movestarsdone: ld a,(stars1) ;star positions (the missing byte...) ld b,nrstars1 ;how many stars? now we know. ld hl,starx1 ;points to the position of the stars cal DisplayStars ;display front layer stars ld a,(stars2) ;weren't you paying attention five lines ago? ld b,nrstars2 ;that many?! whow! ld hl,starx2 ;and there they are cal DisplayStars ;use the same procedure to display back layer ld a,(level_move) ;level info and %01100000 ;isolate ground&ceiling jr z,game_stuff ;both non-present and %00100000 ;bit representing the presence of any ceiling cal nz,Handle_ceiling ;scroll the ceiling (if any) cal Handle_ground ;scroll the ground game_stuff: ld a,(your_occ) ;are you 100% OK? or a ;a=0?? jr nz,_gamestuff1 ;then don't check for movements/fires/... ld a,(level_move) ;the same level info and %01100000 ;isolate ground&ceiling again jr z,check_keys ;no ceiling nor ground and %00100000 ;this bit will tell us if there is a ceiling cal nz,CheckCeiling ;if there is, check it cal CheckGround ;check for collision with the ground check_keys: ld a,%00111111 ;function keys (MORE,EXIT,2ND,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5) out (1),a ;ask for them nop \ nop ;delay 8 clocks in a,(1) ;get zem! check_exitkey: ;why give it a label? i dunno, i'm just crazy bit 6,a ;test bit 6 = exit-key = EXIT jp z,game_over_nopop ; pressed, so be it check_morekey: ;again, another unused label... poor compiler bit 7,a ;test bit 7 = more-key = PAUSE cal z,Pause ;yes, go to pause check_firekey: bit 5,a ;test bit 5 = 2nd-key = FIRE ld hl,check_selkey ;where to continue after executing Fire_bullet psh hl ;push hl on stack (instead of cal Fire_bullet) jp z,Fire_bullet ;fire smtn (bulletstorplasermultiples+stuff..) pop hl ;no cal to Fire_bullet made, so pop stack ld hl,just_fired ;no: ld (hl),0 ;reset just_fired check_selkey: ld a,%01011111 ;look at first column of keys (ALPHA to STO) out (1),a ;gimme gimme nop \ nop ;what's taking you so long in a,(1) ;at last... our precious keyzzz... ;old: now see this: rla ;test bit7 so we know f ALPHA has been pressed cal nc,select ;yeppy, select the currently selected upgrade cal Enemies_hit ;check for collision with enemies _gamestuff1: cal Handle_Ship ;move you cal Handle_bullets ;move your bullets cal Handle_torp ;move your torpedo cal Handle_enemies ;move enemies cal Enemy_bullets ;move enemy bullets ; ld a,(level_occ) ; or a ; jr nz,bosslevel ;levelocc<>0 so no cal Level_event ;insert enemies jr _gamestuff2 bosslevel: cal Handle_boss _gamestuff2: cal Display_Screen ;display all halt ;delay jp game_main_loop ;LOOP ;--------------------------- ground ------------------------------------------- Handle_ground: ld a,(timer) and %111 ;once every 8 frames jr nz,Display_ground ;otherwise skip the scroll ld bc,15 ;scroll all 16 bytes minus one (teh new byte) ld hl,groundpos+1 ;from.. ld de,groundpos ;to (one byte to the left) ; ld a,(de) ;load byte on left (will be lost after scroll) ldir ;LoaDIncreaseRepeat = scroll! ld a,(groundinfo) ;what kind of ground dec a ;type 1: jr z,ground_tunnel ;tunnel effect jr ground_boring ground_tunnel: ld a,(groundpos+14) ld (groundpos+15),a ld hl,spacespace ld a,(RanPos) ld b,a bit 1,a jr z,ground_previous bit 2,a jr z,gtunneldown gtunnelup: ld a,(hl) or a jr z,ground_previous ;a>=0 (a=0 actually, because a<0 = a>0) inc (hl) ld a,(groundpos+15) inc a jr newground gtunneldown: ld a,(groundpos+15) dec a jr z,ground_previous dec (hl) jr newground ground_previous: ld a,(groundpos+14) ;type 1 jr newground ground_boring: ld a,(groundpos) ;type 0 newground: ld (groundpos+15),a ;save new byte on the right ld a,(hl) cp -25 jr nc,Display_ground ld a,b and %1 ld b,0 jr nz,gtunnelup Display_ground: ld b,16 ;screen width ld de,groundpos-1 ;height of current byte (previous actually) psh de ;use later ld hl,GRAPH_MEM+(56*16)-1 ;screen position psh hl groundloopright: ld c,b ;push b for groundloopup pop hl \ inc hl ;get screen position and go one right pop de \ inc de ;get height info and set to the next byte psh de \ psh hl ;save these for the next time ld a,(de) ;height of current byte ld b,a ;save in b ld de,16 ;to substract to go one line up ld a,%11111111 ;bitmask black or a groundloopup: ld (hl),a ;display black byte sbc hl,de ;go up (sbc must be used for 16-bit sub) djnz groundloopup ;and loop >groundpos< times ld b,c ;pop b used by groundloopup djnz groundloopright ;loop right for entire screen (16x) pop hl \ pop hl ;restore stack ret CheckGround: ;check for collision with the ground ld a,(x) srl a srl a srl a inc a ld l,a ld h,0 ld de,groundpos add hl,de ld a,(y) sub 57-7 neg cp (hl) ret nc jp damage_you ;--------------------------- ceiling ------------------------------------------ Handle_ceiling: ld a,(timer) and %111 ;once every 8 frames jr nz,Display_ceiling ;otherwise skip the scroll ld bc,15 ;scroll all 15 bytes (16th is new position) ld hl,ceilingpos+1 ;from.. ld de,ceilingpos ;to (one byte to the left) ld a,(de) ;load byte on left (will be lost after scroll) ldir ;LoaDIncreaseRepeat = scroll! ld a,(groundinfo) ;what kind of ceiling dec a ;type 1: jr z,ceiling_tunnel ;tunnel effect jr ceiling_boring ceiling_tunnel: ld a,(ceilingpos+14) ld (ceilingpos+15),a ld hl,spacespace ld a,(RanPos) ld b,a bit 4,a jr z,ceiling_previous bit 5,a jr z,ctunnelup ctunneldown: ld a,(hl) or a jr z,ceiling_previous inc (hl) ld a,(ceilingpos+15) inc a jr newceiling ctunnelup: ld a,(ceilingpos+15) dec a jr z,ceiling_previous dec (hl) jr newceiling ceiling_previous: ld a,(ceilingpos+14) ;type 1 jr newceiling ceiling_boring: ld a,(ceilingpos) ;type 0 newceiling: ld (ceilingpos+15),a ;save the new byte ld a,(hl) cp -25 jr nc,Display_ceiling ld a,b and %1 ld b,0 jr nz,ctunneldown Display_ceiling: ld b,16 ;screen width ld de,ceilingpos-1 ;height of current byte psh de ;use later ld hl,GRAPH_MEM-17 ;screen position psh hl ceilingloopright: ld c,b ;push b for groundloopup pop hl \ inc hl ;get screen position and go one right pop de \ inc de ;get height info and set to the next byte psh de \ psh hl ;save these for the next time ld a,(de) ;height of current byte ld b,a ;save in b ld de,16 ;to substract to go one line up ld a,%11111111 ;bitmask black or a ceilingloopdown: ld (hl),a ;display black byte add hl,de ;go down djnz ceilingloopdown ;and loop >groundpos< times ld b,c ;pop b used by groundloopup djnz ceilingloopright ;loop right for entire screen (16x) pop hl \ pop hl ;restore stack ret CheckCeiling: ;check for collision with the ground ld a,(x) ;your x srl a ;x/2 srl a ;x/4 srl a ;x/8 (current ceiling-byte) inc a ld l,a ;hl = a ld h,0 ;" ld de,ceilingpos ;first ceiling-byte add hl,de ;current ceiling-byte ld a,(y) ;your y-pos inc a cp (hl) ;compare with ceiling ret nc ;carry if ceiling is above you jp damage_you ;otherwise you don't wanna be in that ship ;--------------------------- move stars --------------------------------------- DisplayStars: ;inputs: hl=starx# a=stars# b=nrstars# ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) ld (de),a inc hl djnz DisplayStars ret ;let's comment this: returns movestars2: ld ix,starx2 ld a,(stars2) rlca ld (stars2),a ret nc ld b,nrstars2 jr movestars_loop movestars1: ld ix,starx1 ld a,(timer) rra ld a,(stars1) ret c rlca ld (stars1),a ret nc ld b,nrstars1 movestars_loop: ld h,(ix+1) ld l,(ix) dec hl ld a,l and %00001111 cp 9 ;(GRAPH_MEM&%00001111)-- = $C9FAand15-1 = $A-1 jr nz,newstarok ld de,16 add hl,de newstarok: ld (ix),l ld (ix+1),h inc ix \ inc ix djnz movestars_loop ret ;for stupid people, here's another comment... ;--------------------------- pause -------------------------------------------- Pause: ld hl,$0200 ;top left ld (_curRow),hl ld hl,txt_pressenter ;"Enter to continue" cal _puts ;display message pause: cal _getkey ;enter low-power mode and wait for key cp kEnter ;keypressed = enter? jr nz,pause ;no, wait some more ret ;continue ;--------------------------- exit --------------------------------------------- quit: cal CLEARLCD ;clears screen cal _homeup ;set cursor to top-left ld a,(CONTRAST) ;load original contrast level out (2),a ;and set it back ld (iy+13),6 ;restore system-flags ret ;quit Nemesis :( ;--------------------------- display ------------------------------------------ Display_Screen: ld hl,GRAPH_MEM ;from storage (top left) ld de,VIDEO_MEM ;to screen (top left) ld c,56 ;display height = 64 bytes (minus 8 for bar) displayloop: ld b,16 ;display width = 16 bytes (16*8bits=256pixels) displaytloop: ld a,(hl) ;copy byte from (hl) ; xor $ff ; } ;invert byte (white<=>black) &&&& ld (de),a ;to (de) inc hl \ inc de ;next byte djnz displaytloop ;16x hl >> de dec c ;next line jr nz,displayloop ;loop 64x ld hl,$396b ;Display Score ld (_penCol),hl ;bottom right of screen ld hl,(score) _D_HL_DECI: ;------- display 5-digit value ------- ld de,savestr+4 ;savenr saves number string ld b,5 ;five digits ldhld: cal UNPACK_HL ;one digit of hl add a,'0' ;make number ld (de),a ;save into savenr dec de ;point to next digit djnz ldhld ;repeat for all digits ld hl,savestr ;we (the program) saved the value righthere cal _vputs ;the only thing left to do is to display it ret ;and we're done again savestr: ;@here the score will be stored .db "00000",0 ;don't worry, it's just temporary ;------------------------- handle ship ---------------------------------------- Handle_Ship: ld a,(your_occ) ;are or a ;you jr z,ok ;ok? inc a ;no! next (explosion)frame ld (your_occ),a ;save cp 34 ;last explosion frame? jp c,exploding_you ;not yet: display explosion cp 40 ;delay finished? jp z,You_die ;yes = game over ret ;don't display anything ok: ;we are ld a,%01111110 ;get arrow keys out (1),a ;it's cold outside ld hl,y ;instead of nop\nop do something usefull in a,(1) ;come back in ld b,a ;psh a (keys) xor %11111111 ;inverted a = 0 if arrow-key has been pressed ld a,(your_multiples) jr z,no_adv ;if so, leave the multiples where they are or %100 ;set move bit jr adv_ok no_adv: and %11111011 ;reset move bit adv_ok: ld (your_multiples),a ld a,b ;pop a (keys) rra ;rotate right (put last bit in c) ld b,a ;we need a later jr c,no_down ld a,(hl) cp 49 ;55-6 = bottom of screen jr z,no_down inc a ld (hl),a no_down: dec hl rr b ;because we now use b, it's rr instead of rra jr c,no_left ld a,(hl) sub 1 ; doesn't affect c-flag jr c,no_left ;-1 = left side ld (hl),a no_left: rr b jr c,no_right ld a,(hl) cp 121 ;127-6 = right side jr z,no_right inc a ld (hl),a no_right: ld d,(hl) inc hl rr b jr c,no_up ld a,(hl) sub 1 ; doesn't affect carry-flag jr c,no_up ;-1 = top of screen ld (hl),a ;save new y no_up: ld e,(hl) ld ix,spr_ship01 ;ship sprite ld hl,your_inv ;invulnerable? ld a,(hl) ;load time in a or a ;is it 0? jr z,handle_multiples ;yes so ship = normal (display \ continue) ld b,a ;save inv-time ld a,(timer) ;load frame nr. and %00000011 ;a=0 once every four frames jr nz,not_time ;a<>0 = not time to update counter dec (hl) ;decrease inv-time left not_time: and %00000010 ;a switches 0<->1 every 2 frames jr z,no_flicker ;don't show normal sprite anyway ld a,b ;pop inv-time and %11110000 ;inv-time <16 ticks left? jr z,handle_multiples ;yes: display normal sprite and continue no_flicker: ld ix,spr_ship01i ;display inv-ship (ld ix is faster than add ix) handle_multiples: cal putsprite ;display your ship ld a,(your_multiples) ;do you have multiples ld b,a ;save a for 2nd check and %11 ;no? (last two bits = nr of multiples) ret z ;then don't handle them either ld hl,y ld a,b ;restore a (your_multiples) and %100 ;move the multiples??? jr z,mult_adv ;nope, just let them (saves (y) in y, (x) in x) ld hl,your_locpos ;location to save this position ld a,(hl) ;load a inc a ;a=a+1 and %00001111 ;if a>15 then a=a-16 ld (hl),a ;save new a add a,a ;a=a*2 ld c,a ;bc=2a ld b,0 ld hl,your_prevpos ;previous positions add hl,bc ;16 turns ago ld d,(hl) ;old x-pos inc hl ;and ld e,(hl) ;old y-pos ld (mx),de ;save multiple position in (mx) ld a,(y) ;load new y-pos ld (hl),a ;save it for 16 turns in the future dec hl ;and ld a,(x) ;load new x-pos ld (hl),a ;save that too mult_adv: ld de,(mx) ld ix,spr_multiple ;sprite of the multiple jp putsprite ;display it + exploding_you: srl a ;half the framerate dec a ;first frame is 1>inc>srl>dec = 0 ld hl,x-1 explosion_stuff: rra add a,a add a,a add a,a ld c,a ld b,0 ld ix,spr_explosion add ix,bc inc hl ld d,(hl) inc hl ld e,(hl) jp putsprite damage_you: ld a,(your_inv) ;invulnerability left? or a ret nz ;return if inv>0 ld hl,your_armor ;armor left ld a,(hl) ;check dec a ;is it 0? jp m,no_armor ;yes, 0hp left so explode ld (hl),a ;no, so save decreased hp cal disp_armor ;and display new value ret ;and return no_armor: ld a,%01 ;occ %xxxxxx01 = explode ld (your_occ),a ;set to explode ret ;------------------------- place multiples ------------------------------------ Place_multiples: ld (mx),de ;set last multiple-position ld hl,your_prevpos ;place all previous positions ld b,16 ;all 16 of them place_multiples: ld (hl),d ;set prev-x to d inc hl ;next ld (hl),e ;set prev-y to e inc hl ;next djnz place_multiples ;repeat ret ;------------------------- select upgrade ------------------------------------- select: ld hl,your_pickup ;select pickups ld a,(hl) ;load pickups taken so far dec a ;is it 1? jr nz,select2 ;no, carry on ld (hl),a ;reset pickups (a=0) ld hl,your_armor ;change armor inc (hl) ;increase HPs by one jp disp_icons ;display and return select2: dec a ;is it 2? jr nz,select3 ;no, carry on ld (hl),a ;reset pickups inc a ;a=1 ld (torp_occ),a ;ready torpedoes jp disp_icons ;display 'n return select3: dec a ;is it 3? jr nz,select4 ;no, carry on ld (hl),a ;reset pickups jp disp_icons ;display n return select4: dec a ;is it 4? jr nz,select5 ;no, carry on again ld (hl),a ;reset pickups inc a ;a=1 ld (your_laser),a ;ready laser jp disp_icons ;display + return select5: dec a ;is it 5? jr nz,select6 ;no, carry on once more ld (hl),a ;reset pickups inc a ld (your_multiples),a ld de,(x) cal Place_multiples jp disp_icons ;display, return select6: ld (hl),0 ;reset pickups jp disp_icons ;display/return ;------------------------- fire bullet ---------------------------------------- Fire_bullet: ld hl,RanPos ;random inc (hl) ;update random counter ld hl,just_fired ld a,(hl) ;just_fired cp 5 ;already pressed? ret z ;return when already pressed (=5) inc (hl) ;otherwise increase counter (0 to 4 >> 1 to 5) ld a,(your_laser) ;if you have bullets..... or a ;(0=no laser) jr nz,fireOK ld (hl),5 ;.....then can't fire next turn (go to 5 imm.) fireOK: ld hl,(x) ;yes: first fire from ship position (x) ld (firex),hl ;set firepos ld a,(your_multiples) ;any multiples? and %11 ;nope? jr z,fireany ;then just fire somethin' cal fireany ;and blast ld hl,(my) ;then, fire from multiple position (mx) ld a,(mx) ; ld h,a ; ^^^^^^ ld (firex),hl ;set firepos ;blast again and fireany: ld a,(your_laser) ;do you have laser? dec a ;1=yes jr nz,fire_ybullet ;no, just fire a bullet fire_laser: ;yes, fire that laser instead ld a,(firex) ;a = your x-pos ld d,a ld hl,GRAPH_MEM ;save-location ld a,(firey) ;y-coord add a,3 ;at middle of your ship (y+3) ld e,a ;save laser-y in e add a,a ;y*2 add a,a ;y*4 add a,a ;y*8 rl b ;b (=0) =b*2+overflow (if y>32 then bc=bc+256) add a,a ;y*16 (width of screen) rl b ;b=b*2+overflow (if y>64 then bc=bc+512) inc a ;8 pixels to right (a=even so no overflow) srl d ;X/2 srl d ;X/4 srl d ;X/8 add a,d ;a = (Y*16+X/8) mod 256 (c set on overflow) jr nc,_nolc ;jump if no carry = no overflow = a<=255 inc b ;a>255 so increase bc by 256 _nolc: ld c,a ;c = (Y*16+X/8) mod 256 add hl,bc ;bc = Y*16+X/8 ld a,15 ;128/8=16=screen width ** minus one (inc a ^^) sub d ;minus x-start (d=X/8) ld b,a drawlaser: ld (hl),%11111111 inc hl ;Go to next byte djnz drawlaser handle_laser: ld a,(firex) ld d,a ;d was divided, so reload the laser-x check_laserhits: ;de = (x,y) ld ix,nolashit ld b,nrenemies ld hl,enemies laserhits: ;Hits with normal enemies psh hl ld a,(hl) and %00000010 jr z,nolashit ;no hit when enemy_occ <> 2/3 inc hl ;enemy type ld a,(hl) or a ;enemy #0 = pickup jr z,nolashit ;yes: don't destroy inc hl ld a,(hl) ;check x sub d jp m,nolashit ;no hit when enemy is left of you inc hl ld a,(hl) ;check y sub e jp z,enemy_hit ;a-e=0 = laser on top line of enemy = hit jr nc,nolashit ;a-e>0 = enemy above laser = no hit add a,5 ;add enemy height jp p,enemy_hit ;a-e>0 = hit nolashit: pop hl inc hl ;go to next enemy inc hl inc hl inc hl djnz laserhits ;check all enemies ld a,d ; ld d,e ld e,a jr fire_torp ;fire torpedoes as well fire_ybullet: ld hl,ybullets ld de,3 ld b,nrybullets find_ybullet: ld a,(hl) or a jr z,found_ybullet ;0 = no bullet here add hl,de djnz find_ybullet ;look next bullet ret found_ybullet: ld (hl),1 ;use bullet ld a,(firex) ;your x-pos add a,5 ;place bullet in front of you inc hl ;go to bullet-x ld (hl),a ;set x ld e,a ;save torp-x in e ld a,(firey) ;your y-pos add a,2 ;place bullet at the middle of your ship inc hl ;go to bullet-y ld (hl),a ;set y add a,3 ;place torpedo at bottom of ship ld d,a ;save torp-y in d fire_torp: ld hl,torp_occ ;torpedo... ld a,(hl) ;load torpInfo dec a ;do you have (unused) torpedoes? ret nz ;nope (a must be 1) ld (hl),2 ;yes; use torpedo ld (torp_pos),de ;save torpedo position (in de) ret ;------------------------ handle bullets -------------------------------------- remove_bullet: dec hl ld (hl),0 ;dump this bullet! ret Handle_bullets: ld hl,ybullets ld b,nrybullets scan_bullets: psh bc psh hl ld (temp1),hl ld a,(hl) inc hl dec a ;type 1? cal z,bullet_2left ;yes: 2left pop hl pop bc ld de,3 add hl,de ;3 x djnz scan_bullets ;next bullet (loop) ret bullet_2left: ld a,(hl) ;d = X cp 122 ;off screen? (x>128-5) jr nc,remove_bullet add a,2 ;move 2 2 the right ld (hl),a ;save new pos. ld d,a inc hl ;to y-pos ld e,(hl) ;e = Y ld ix,spr_bullet01 psh de cal putsprite ;display bullet pop de check_bullethits: ;INPUT: de=X,Y ld b,nrenemies ld hl,enemies ld ix,nohit hit_enemies: ;Hits with normal enemies psh hl ld a,(hl) and %00000010 jr z,nohit ;no hit when enemy_occ <> 2/3 inc hl ;enemy type ld a,(hl) or a ;enemy #0 = pickup jr z,nohit ;yes: don't destroy inc hl ld a,(hl) ;check x sub d add a,5 jp m,nohit cp 8 jr nc,nohit inc hl ld a,(hl) ;check y sub e add a,5 jp m,nohit cp 10 jr nc,nohit psh hl ld hl,(temp1) ld (hl),$00 ;remove bullet pop hl enemy_hit: dec hl dec hl dec hl ld a,(hl) ;occ ld c,a ;psh occ and %11111100 ;occ/4 = HP left ; jump ld (hl),%01 ;set to explode ld a,(pickuptimer) ;counts enemies destroyed dec a ;enough destroyed for a pickup? jr nz,pickupdone ;otherwise just explode ld (hl),%00000110 ;change it into a pickup (with 2 HP) ld a,18 ;reset enemies counter (18 hits = next) pickupdone: ld (pickuptimer),a ;save new enemiescounter value inc hl ld (hl),$00 ;explosionFrame 0 ld hl,1 ;increase score by one cal scoreInc jp (ix) hpleft: ld a,c ;pop occ sub %00000100 ;decrease HP by one ld (hl),a ;save jp (ix) nohit: pop hl inc hl inc hl inc hl inc hl djnz hit_enemies ;check next enemy ret ;--------------------------- handle torpedo ----------------------------------- Handle_torp: ld a,(torp_occ) sub 2 ret m ;return if occ=0/1 ld hl,torp_pos ;x-position ld a,(hl) ;load in a inc a ;move right cp 125 ;right edge reached jr nc,remove_torp ;remove if x>125 ld (hl),a ;save new x ld d,a inc hl ;y-position ld a,(hl) inc a ;move down cp 56 ;bottom reached jr nc,remove_torp ;remove if y>40 ld (hl),a ;save new y ld e,a ld ix,spr_bullett1 psh de cal putsprite ;display torpedo pop de jp check_bullethits ;check for hits with enemies remove_torp: ld a,1 ld (torp_occ),a ret ;--------------------------- level events ------------------------------------- Level_event: ld hl,nextevent ;time to next event ld (hl),1 ;set move-counter to 1 inc hl ;hl to ld a,(level_move) and %00010000 jr z,ffiredelayed ld a,1 ;set time-to-fire to 1 frame (fires directly) jr ffireOK ffiredelayed: ld a,(level_fire) ;set "ttf" to normal nr of frames ffireOK: ld (hl),a inc hl ;hl to ld (hl),1 ;type 1 inc hl ;hl to ld a,(RanPos) and %01111111 ld (hl),a ;type 1 ret ;return Random: ld a,(RanPos) ;a handy random-var. ld hl,x ;add your x-coord for randomness adc a,(hl) ld hl,y ;add your y-coord for randomness adc a,(hl) ld (RanPos),a ;save altered random-var ret ;RanPos also in #a ;--------------------------- enemy fires -------------------------------------- Enemy_fires: ;de = x,y dec d dec d ;d = x-2 inc e ;e = y+1 ld b,nrebullets ld hl,ebullets find_ebullet: ld a,(hl) or a jr z,found_ebullet ;0 = not used inc hl \ inc hl \ inc hl djnz find_ebullet ;look next bullet ret found_ebullet: ld b,%1100 ld a,(level_move) and %10000000 jr z,bulletok ld a,(y) sub e add a,10 jp p,bulletnotup ld b,%1011 ;yourY-bulY = negative (=bullet below you) add a,10 jp p,bulletnotup ld b,%1001 ;yourY-bulY = even more negative (going up) bulletnotup: sub 20 jp m,bulletok ld b,%1010 ;bullet going down sub 10 jp m,bulletok ;even more going down ld b,%1000 bulletok: ; ld a,c ;load bullet type ; add a,a ;type*2 %..Btype. ; add a,a ;type*4 %.Btype.. ; add a,a ;type*8 %Btype... ;add bullet direction %BtypeDir ld (hl),b ;set bullet direction inc hl ld (hl),d ;set x-pos inc hl ld (hl),e ;set y-pos ret ;----------------------------- enemy bullets ---------------------------------- Enemy_bullets: ld hl,ebullets ld b,nrebullets handle_bullet: psh bc psh hl ld a,(hl) ;load bulletType in a or a ;is it 0? jr nz,enemy_bullet ;no: handle bullet next_bullet: pop hl ;do not move the pop bc inc hl \ inc hl \ inc hl djnz handle_bullet ret enemy_bullet: ld b,a ;save type inc hl ;bullet x ld a,(hl) ;check if it has reached the left side of scrn and %11111110 ;it is <2 (0 or 1)? jr z,remove_ebullet ;yes, remove bullet dec (hl) ;move one left dec (hl) ;and another one ld d,(hl) ;d=x inc hl ;@y ld a,b ;restore type cp %1100 ;&&& use jr z,ebullet_common ;type %1100: normal bullet and %111 jr z,ebullet_down ;type %1000: moving down dec a jr z,ebullet_up ;type %1001: moving up ld b,a ld a,(timer) rra jr c,ebullet_common ld a,b dec a jr z,ebullet_down ;type %1010: moving down 50% ;type %1011: moving up 50% ebullet_up: ld a,(hl) dec a jp m,ebullet_common ld (hl),a jr ebullet_common ebullet_down: ld a,(hl) inc a cp 55 jr z,ebullet_common ld (hl),a ebullet_common: ld e,(hl) ;e=y ld ix,spr_bullete1 ;display enemy bullet cal putsprite ebullet_hits: ld a,(your_occ) or a jr nz,next_bullet ;0 = you're normal pop hl psh hl inc hl ;check x ld a,(x) sub (hl) add a,6 jp m,next_bullet cp 9 jr nc,next_bullet inc hl ;check y ld a,(y) sub (hl) add a,6 jp m,next_bullet cp 9 jr nc,next_bullet cal damage_you ;HIT!! remove_ebullet: pop hl ;hl could be destroyed by damage_you ld (hl),0 ;bullet > unused jr next_bullet+1 ;next bullet (SKIP THE = one byte) ;--------------------------- handle enemies ----------------------------------- Handle_enemies: ld hl,enemies ld b,nrenemies ;handle all enemies handle_enemy: psh bc psh hl ld a,(hl) and %00000011 jr z,next_enemy ;occ "no enemy" 0 dec a jr z,exploding_enemy ;occ "exploding" 1 ld b,a ;b=2 if moving, otherwise b=1 normal_enemy: ;occ "normal" 2 or "moving" 3 inc hl psh hl ld e,(hl) ;e = enemy type ld c,e ;c = e ld d,0 ;de = e ld hl,sprites ;hl = @sprites offset-table add hl,de ;points to offset of current enemy offset ld e,(hl) ;de = @enemy offset ld ix,spr_enemy00 ;first enemy sprite add ix,de ;add offset for current enemy pop hl inc hl ld a,(hl) ;x dec a ;move left jr c,remove_enemy ;off screen jr z,remove_enemy ;" ld d,a inc hl ld e,(hl) ;y ld a,b ;moving state was stored in b earlier dec a ;is it 1? cal nz,moving_enemy ;2 = moving enemy dec hl ;@x ld (hl),d ;store new x ld a,c ;a = enemy type or a ;type 0? (pickup) jr nz,check_enemyfire ;no, a normal enemy; let em fire ld a,(timer) ;load time and %1 ;move left once every 2 turns jr z,firing_done ;don't move now inc d ;increase x-position (don't move this turn) inc (hl) ;and save it jr firing_done ;continue check_enemyfire: ld bc,add2enemy+1-2 ;offset of add hl,bc ;go there (@hl) dec (hl) ;decrease counter till next blast ld a,(hl) ;load new counter or a ;has it reached zero? jr nz,firing_done ;finished if not ld a,(level_fire) ;re-set counter for next blast ld (hl),a ;save time to fire inc hl ;next byte = bullettype ld c,(hl) ;c = bullet type psh de ;save registers for firing-use cal Enemy_fires ;fires bullet pop de ;restore (destroyed by Enemy_fires) firing_done: cal putsprite ;display sprite @ix next_enemy: pop hl ld bc,$0004 add hl,bc pop bc djnz handle_enemy ret remove_enemy: pop hl ld (hl),$0000 ;bye bye enemy psh hl jr next_enemy exploding_enemy: inc hl psh hl ld a,(hl) cal explosion_stuff ;display explosion pop hl ld a,(hl) cp 15 jr z,remove_enemy ;remove when at last frame inc a ld (hl),a ;next frame jr next_enemy ;--------------------------- moving enemies ----------------------------------- moving_enemy: ld a,(level_move) and %1111 jr z,movetype_updown dec a jr z,movetype_vslow dec a jr z,movetype_fast dec a jr z,movetype_vfast movetype_smart: ld bc,add2enemy add hl,bc ld a,(timer) and %1111 ld a,(hl) jr nz,smartupdate inc a smartupdate: ld (hl),a or a ;reset carry flag sbc hl,bc and %11111100 jr z,movetype_fast movetype_vslow: ld a,(timer) and %11 ret z inc d ret movetype_fast: ld a,(timer) and %1 ret z movetype_vfast: dec d ;move left ret nz ;finished pop hl ;restore stack (no ret used) jr remove_enemy ;remove this enemy (off screen) movetype_updown: ld bc,add2enemy add hl,bc ld a,(hl) dec a jr nz,move_updated add a,128 move_updated: ld (hl),a or a ;reset carry flag sbc hl,bc and %00100000 ld a,(hl) ;load current y-position jr z,movedown moveup: dec a ;decrease y-pos (=move up) ret m ;don't move off the screen (y<0) ld (hl),a ;save new y-pos ret ;finish movedown: inc a ;increase y-pos cp 55 ;compare with bottom ret nc ;return if it has passed that line (>40) ld (hl),a ;otherwise save new position ret ;and return ;--------------------------- check collision ---------------------------------- Enemies_hit: ld de,(x) ;e = X, d = Y ld hl,enemies ld b,nrenemies ;check all 20 enemies check_collision: psh hl ld a,(hl) and %00000010 jr z,check_next ;2 or 3 = ok inc hl collide_enemy: ; psh hl ; psh bc ; ld hl,enemy00 ;enemy 1 specs ; add a,a ;a=type*2 ; add a,a ;a=type*4 ; ld c,a ;c=type ; ld b,0 ;bc = 4 * enemy nr. ; add hl,bc ;hl = enemy specs ; ld a,(hl) ;load size byte ; pop bc ; pop hl ; ld c,a ;save size in c inc hl ld a,(hl) ;check x match sub e ;enemy position minus yours add a,6 jp m,check_next cp 12 jr nc,check_next inc hl ld a,(hl) ;check y match sub d ;same as with x-check add a,6 jp m,check_next cp 12 jr nc,check_next dec hl dec hl take_pickup: ld a,(hl) ;load enemy type psh hl ;we need hl ld hl,2 ;increase score by 2 cal scoreInc pop hl ;we're done or a jr nz,collide ;enemy when <>0 psh hl ld hl,your_pickup ;your pickups ld a,(hl) ;current inc a ;go to next cp 6 ;pickups >=6 jr c,not_maxpickup ld a,1 ;yes: reset to pickup 1 not_maxpickup: ld (hl),a ;save new cal disp_icons ;display altered pickupicons pop hl dec hl ;to enemy occ xor a ;set to 0 = gone ld (hl),a ;remove jr check_next ;all done, next.. collide: xor a ld (hl),a ;explosionFrame 0 dec hl inc a ld (hl),a ;set to explode cal damage_you ;auch! check_next: pop hl inc hl inc hl inc hl inc hl djnz check_collision ret ;--------------------------- story ------------------------------------------- storyPage: psh hl cal _clrLCD pop hl storyLine: inc hl ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) ld (_penCol),de inc hl cal _vputs ld a,(hl) dec a jr z,storyLine psh hl ld hl,VIDEO_MEM ld de,GRAPH_MEM ld bc,1024 ldir cal _clrLCD pop hl inc hl ld a,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) psh hl cal DoSFX cal _getkey pop hl ret Story: ld hl,story01-1 cal storyPage cal storyPage cal storyPage ret story01: .db $21,$1d,"Cosmic year 6716" ,0,0,$1d,$06 .db $1b,$1d,"storyline coming soon..." ,0,0,$1d,$06 .db $09,$19,"the Nemesis saga continues",0,1 .db $2e,$21,"with NEMESIS 86" ,0,1 .db $52,$36,"by Shiar" ,0,0,$19,$23 ;--------------------------- SFX --------------------------------------------- CDoSFX: ld hl,VIDEO_MEM ld de,GRAPH_MEM ld bc,1024 ldir ld b,64 ld a,-1 DoSFX: ;ins: a=beginLine b=nrOfLines ld (curline),a SFXframe: psh bc ld a,(curline) ;get line number inc a ;go to the next line ld (curline),a ;update ld l,a ld h,0 add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl ld b,h ;save hl for later ld c,l ld de,VIDEO_MEM add hl,de ;go to ymin ld d,h ld e,l ld hl,GRAPH_MEM add hl,bc ;hl->logo ld a,(curline) ;Calculate how many lines to draw ld c,a ld a,64 sub c ld b,a SFXdisp: ;display this frame on screen ld a,b ;psh b (a will not be used) ld bc,16 ;one line (=16 bytes, you'd know by now) ldir ;display (copy actually) ld bc,-16 ;go up one line (not on screen) add hl,bc ;so the same line will be displayed ld b,a ;pop b djnz SFXdisp ;repeat until whole screen is displayed ld b,8 SFXdelay: halt djnz SFXdelay pop bc djnz SFXframe ret ;--------------------------- handle boss ------------------------------------- Handle_boss: ld hl,GRAPH_MEM ld (PutWhere),hl ld ix,spr_boss01 ld hl,bossx ld d,(hl) inc hl ld e,(hl) jp putwidesprite ;--------------------------- update score ------------------------------------ scoreInc: psh bc ld bc,(score) add hl,bc ld (score),hl pop bc ret ;--------------------------- show icon ---------------------------------------- disp_icons: ld hl,VIDEO_MEM+(16*57);57 rows down = seven rows from bottom ld b,16*7 ;draw 16x (screen width) 7x (height) xor a ;blank line mask cleanline: ld (hl),a ;draw one piece of the divider-line inc hl ;move right (8 pixels = 1 byte) djnz cleanline ;repeat (16bytes * 7rows * 8pixels) ld hl,VIDEO_MEM+(56*16) ld (PutWhere),hl cal disp_lives ld ix,spr_icon01 ;armorIcon ld de,$1901 ;icon #1 cal putwidesprite ;display icon cal disp_armor ;display value ld ix,spr_icon00 ld a,(torp_occ) or a jr z,no_torp ld ix,spr_icon02 ;torpedoIcon no_torp: ld de,$2901 ;icon #2 cal putwidesprite ;display ld ix,spr_icon03 ;emptyIcon ld de,$3901 ;icon #3 cal putwidesprite ld ix,spr_icon00 ;emptyIcon ld a,(your_laser) or a jr z,no_laser ld ix,spr_icon04 ;laserIcon no_laser: ld de,$4901 ;icon #4 cal putwidesprite ld ix,spr_icon00 ;emptyIcon ld a,(your_multiples) and %11 jr z,no_multiples ld ix,spr_icon05 no_multiples: ld de,$5901 ;icon #5 cal putwidesprite ld ix,spr_icon03 ld de,$6901 cal putwidesprite ld a,(your_pickup) ;pickups taken add a,a ;picks*2 (sets z-flag) ret z ;return if no pickups add a,a ;picks*4 add a,a ;picks*8 add a,a ;picks*$10 add a,$09 ;add 0ah ld d,a ;y-pos = picks * $10 + $0a (19,29,39,49,59) ld e,$01 ;x-pos = bottom (1a01,2a01,3a01,4a01,5a01) ld ix,spr_icon cal putwidesprite ret disp_armor: ld hl,$3925 ;Display Armor left ld (_penCol),hl ;place @ armorIcon ld a,(your_armor) ;load armor left add a,'0' ;make digit cal _vputmap ;display char ret disp_lives: ld hl,$3900 ;display Lives ld (_penCol),hl ;bottom left ld hl,savestr+2 ld (hl),'L' inc hl ld (hl),'x' inc hl ld a,(your_lives) ;nr of lives in a add a,'0' ;make digit ld (hl),a dec hl \ dec hl cal _vputs ;display on screen ret ;--------------------------- proc --------------------------------------------- BLACKLCD: ld hl,VIDEO_MEM ;screen location (top left) ld de,VIDEO_MEM+1 ld (hl),%11111111 ld bc,1024 ;loop 1024 times = entire screen ldir set 3,(iy+5) ;set white on black ret ;--------------------------- game over / new game / death --------------------- own_name: .db $12,7,"nemesis" save_hi: ld hl,own_name ;find own variable xor a cal _ABS_MOV10TOOP1 cal _FINDSYM ret c ;not found? who cares... ld a,b ;save the stored section ld h,d ld l,e ld b,0 ld de,4+stored_data_start-_asm_exec_ram add hl,de adc a,b cal _SET_ABS_DEST_ADDR ld a,0 ld hl,stored_data_start cal _SET_ABS_SRC_ADDR ld hl,stored_data_end-stored_data_start cal _SET_MM_NUM_BYTES cal _mm_ldir ret ;save done game_over: pop hl ;=ret (game_over was called from a procedure) game_over_nopop: cal BLACKLCD ;clear screen ld hl,$0603 ld (_curRow),hl ;center ld hl,txt_gameover cal _puts ;display "GAME OVER" xor a ;clear a (AHL will be displayed) ld hl,$1006 ;bottom-1 right ld (_curRow),hl ;set ld hl,(score) ;your score cal _dispahl ;display it (a=0) ld hl,$314b ;bottom-1 right before score ^^ ld (_penCol),hl ;set ld hl,txt_score ;"Score" cal _vputs ;display (small) ld hl,$1007 ;bottom right ld (_curRow),hl ;set ld hl,(hiscore) ;hi-score cal _dispahl ;display ld hl,$3946 ;bottom right before hiscore ^^ ld (_penCol),hl ;set ld hl,txt_hiscore ;"Hiscore" cal _vputs ;display (small) res 3,(iy+5) ld de,(score) ld hl,(hiscore) cal CP_HL_DE jr nc,no_hiscore ld (hiscore),de no_hiscore: cal save_hi ld b,$20 wait2: halt \ halt djnz wait2 ;delay cal _getkey ;wait for keypress jp quit ;restore some things and return to TI-OS/shell New_game: xor a ;score 0 ld (score),a ;reset score ld (score+1),a ;reset score inc a ;level #1 ld (level),a ;reset level nr ld hl,level01 ;set level pointer to level#1 ld (levelp),hl ;reset level pointer ld a,4 ld (your_lives),a ;3 lives (4 will be decreased @ You_die) ld (pickuptimer),a ;next pickup after 4 enemies destroyed You_die: ld hl,your_lives dec (hl) ;decrease lives ld a,(hl) ;load lives left inc a ;if lives=0ffh then a=0 jp z,game_over ;if so, game's over xor a ;a=0 ; ld (your_armor),a ;no armor ld (torp_occ),a ;no torpedoes ld (your_laser),a ;no laser ld (your_pickup),a ;reset pickups ld (your_multiples),a ;no multiples ld a,5 ;&&& betatest; remove when released! ld (your_armor),a jr nonext_level ;--------------------------- next level --------------------------------------- Next_level: ld hl,level ;level number ld a,(hl) inc a ld (hl),a ld hl,(levelp) ;level pointer ld bc,5+32+4 ;advance four bytes (=one level) add hl,bc ;update to point to next level ld (levelp),hl ;save ld h,0 ;increase score.... ld l,a ;by level number ld bc,20 add hl,bc ;plus 20 cal scoreInc ;update score nonext_level: ld a,80 ld (nextevent),a ;time to first enemy appearance ld hl,(levelp) ;level pointer ld a,(hl) ;load new level-enemy type ld (level_enemy),a ;set level-enemy inc hl ld a,(hl) ;load new appearance-time ld (eventtime),a ;set inc hl ld a,(hl) ;load nr of enemies in this level ld (eventleft),a ;set nr of events left inc hl ld a,(hl) ;movement of enemies in this level ld (level_move),a ;do it inc hl ld a,(hl) ;how frequent the enemies fire a bullet ld (level_fire),a ;consider it done inc hl ld de,spacespace ld bc,36 ldir ; xor a ; ld (level_occ),a ;no boss (yet) ld ix,starx1 ld b,nrstars1 cal placestars ld hl,RanPos inc (hl) ld ix,starx2 ld b,nrstars2 cal placestars xor a ld (timer),a ;reset time ld hl,your_occ ;hl = your_occ ld (hl),a ;reset your ship (not exploding) inc hl ;hl = your_inv ld (hl),50 ;set 50 frames invulnerable ld hl,x ;begin position x=... ld (hl),a ;...=a=0=left inc hl ;y=... ld a,24 ;...=24=middle ld (hl),a ;your y ld (bossy),a ;and y of boss ld a,80 ld (bossx),a ld a,(torp_occ) or a ;no torpedoes? jr z,torpsclear ;then just continue (=0) ld a,1 ;if so, set to "ready to fire" (=1) torpsclear: ld de,$0018 ;x=0, y=24 (like you..) cal Place_multiples ;place all multiple-positions at (0,24) ld hl,ybullets ;clear your/enemy bullets ld (hl),a ;clear first byte ld de,ybullets+1 ;and copy this byte to the next byte ld bc,(nrybullets+nrebullets)*3-1 ;bc times (all bullets) ldir ld hl,enemies ;and remove all enemies as well ld (hl),a ;clear first byte ld de,enemies+1 ;point to the next ld bc,add2enemy+nrenemies*2 ;clear enemy-info + enemiesxtra ldir ;--------------------------- setup game --------------------------------------- game_setup: cal BLACKLCD ld hl,$0703 ld (_curRow),hl ;center ld hl,txt_level cal _puts ;display "LEVEL " ld a,(level) ld l,a ld h,$00 cal UNPACK_HL add a,'0' ld b,a cal UNPACK_HL add a,'0' cal _putc ;display second digit ld a,b cal _putmap ;display first digit ld hl,$0904 ld (_curRow),hl ;display lives left below level nr ld hl,txt_lives ;bar text: "Lx0"... ld a,(your_lives) ;lives left add a,'0' ;make value ld (txt_lives+3),a ;add to text cal _puts ;display the string res 3,(iy+5) ;set white on black ld b,$20 wait: halt \ halt djnz wait ;delay cal _getkey ;wait for keypress cal CLEARLCD ;clear screen cal disp_icons ;display bottom icons ld hl,VIDEO_MEM+(16*56);56 rows down = eight rows from bottom ld b,16 ;draw 16x (screen width) ld a,%11111111 ;horizontal line mask drawline: ld (hl),a ;draw one piece of the divider-line inc hl ;move right (8 pixels = 1 byte) djnz drawline ;repeat (16bytes * 8pixels =128= screen width) ret placestars: add a,b rlca \ rlca ld hl,(RanPos) add a,(hl) xor %00100100 rlca ld (hl),a ld h,0 ; l = 0 ld l,a ;hl = 0..255 add hl,hl ;hl = 0..510 ld c,a ;hl = 0..765 ld a,r ;a = 0..255 rra ;a = 0..127 ld d,0 ld e,a add hl,de ld e,c add hl,de ld de,GRAPH_MEM add hl,de ld (ix),l ld (ix+1),h inc ix \ inc ix djnz placestars ret ;--------------------------- putsprite ---------------------------------------- ;--------------------------- de =(X,Y) ---------------------------------------- offsets_table: .db 128,64,32,%10000,%01000,%00100,%00010,%00001 putsprite: ld a,d ;a = X and %00000111 ;a = X mod 8 = bit nr. to mask ld hl,offsets_table ;pixel mask table ld c,a ;bit nr. ld b,0 ;word add hl,bc ;add to table ld a,(hl) ;a = pixel mask ld (_smc1+1),a ;alter pixel mask ld hl,GRAPH_MEM ;save-location ld a,e ;y-coord add a,a ;y*2 add a,a ;y*4 add a,a ;y*8 rl b ;b (=0) =b*2+overflow (if y>32 then bc=bc+256) add a,a ;y*16 (width of screen) rl b ;b=b*2+overflow (if y>64 then bc=bc+512) srl d ;d/2 srl d ;d/4 srl d ;d/8 (8 bits in byte) ** c is set when overflow add a,d ;a = (Y*16+X/8) mod 256 jr nc,_n1 ;jump if no carry = no overflow = a<=255 inc b ;a>255 so increase bc by 256 _n1: ld c,a ;c = (Y*16+X/8) mod 256 add hl,bc ;bc = Y*16+X/8 ld d,(ix) ld b,(ix+1) _oloop: psh bc ;Save # of rows psh hl ;Save screen address ld b,d ;Load width ld c,(ix+2) ;Load one line of image inc ix _smc1: ld a,1 ;Load pixel mask _iloop: sla c ;Test leftmost pixel jr nc,_noplot ;See if a plot is needed ld e,a ;OR pixel with screen or (hl) ld (hl),a ld a,e _noplot:rrca jr nc,_notedge ;Test if edge of byte reached inc hl ;Go to next byte _notedge: djnz _iloop pop hl ;Restore address ld bc,16 ;Go to next line add hl,bc pop bc ;Restore data djnz _oloop ret ;--------------------------- putbigsprite ------------------------------------- putwidesprite: ld a,d and 7 ld hl,offsets_table ld c,a ld b,0 add hl,bc ld a,(hl) ld (wsmc1+1),a ld (wsmc2+1),a ld hl,(PutWhere) ld a,e add a,a add a,a add a,a rl b add a,a rl b srl d srl d srl d add a,d jr nc,n1 inc b n1: ld c,a add hl,bc ld d,(ix) ld b,(ix+1) woloop: psh bc ;Save # of rows psh hl ;Save screen address ld b,d ;Load width ld c,(ix+2) ;Load one line of image inc ix wsmc1: ld a,1 ;Load pixel mask wiloop: sla c ;Test leftmost pixel jr nc,wnoplot ;See if a plot is needed ld e,a ;OR pixel with screen or (hl) ld (hl),a ld a,e wnoplot: rrca jr nc,wnotedge ;Test if edge of byte reached inc hl ;Go to next byte wnotedge: wsmc2: cp 1 jr z,wover_1 djnz wiloop pop hl ;Restore address ld bc,16 ;Go to next line add hl,bc pop bc ;Restore data djnz woloop ret wover_1: ld c,(ix+2) inc ix djnz wiloop dec ix pop hl ld bc,16 add hl,bc pop bc djnz woloop ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------- sprites -------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ spr_ship01: .db 7,7 ;ship alpha class .db %01111000 ; ████ .db %11100000 ; ███ .db %11111100 ; ██████ .db %11110010 ; ████ █ .db %11111100 ; ██████ .db %11100000 ; ███ .db %01111000 ; ████ spr_ship01i: .db 7,7 ;ship alpha class .db %01010000 ; █ █ .db %10100000 ; █ █ .db %01010100 ; █ █ █ .db %10100010 ; █ █ █ .db %01010100 ; █ █ █ .db %10100000 ; █ █ .db %01010000 ; █ █ spr_ship02: ; .db 7,7 ;ship beta class ; .db %11100000 ; ███ ; .db %11110000 ; ████ ; .db %01111100 ; █████ ; .db %01110010 ; ███ █ ; .db %01111100 ; █████ ; .db %11110000 ; ████ ; .db %11100000 ; ███ spr_ship02i: ; .db 7,7 ;ship beta class ; .db %01000000 ; █ ; .db %10100000 ; █ █ ; .db %01010100 ; █ █ █ ; .db %00100010 ; █ █ ; .db %01010100 ; █ █ █ ; .db %10100000 ; █ █ ; .db %01000000 ; █ spr_multiple: .db 6,4 ;multiples .db %01111000 ; ████ .db %11111100 ; ██████ .db %11111100 ; ██████ .db %01111000 ; ████ spr_bullet01: .db 5,3 ;your bullets .db %00110000 ; ░▒▓█▒ .db %11111000 ; ░▒▓████▒ .db %00110000 ; ░▒▓█▒ spr_bullet02: .db 5,3 .db %11110000 ; ░▒▓███▒ .db %11111000 ; ░▒▓████▒ .db %11110000 ; ░▒▓███▒ spr_bullett1: .db 4,3 ;▒▒▒ .db %11100000 ;▒███ .db %11110000 ; ████ .db %01110000 ; ███ spr_bullete1: .db 4,3 ;enemy bullets .db %01100000 ; ▒█▓▒░ .db %11110000 ; ▒███▓▒░ .db %01100000 ; ▒█▓▒░ ;---------------------------------------- explosion ------------------------------------------- spr_explosion: .db 8,6 ;1 .db %00000000 .db %00011100 ; ███ .db %00111110 ; █████ .db %01010110 ; █ █ ██ .db %00111000 ; ███ .db %00000000 .db 8,6 ;2 .db %00110000 ; ██ .db %01001110 ; █ ▒███ .db %10111110 ; █ █████ .db %01001111 ; █ ▒████ .db %00111000 ; ███ .db %00011010 ; ██ █ .db 8,6 ;3 .db %10110000 ; █ ██ .db %01001110 ; █ ███ .db %10110101 ; █ ██▒█▒█ .db %01000101 ; █ ▒█▒█ .db %00111110 ; █████ .db %01011010 ; █ ██ █ .db 8,6 ;4 .db %00101010 ; ▒ █▒█ █ .db %01000110 ; █ ▒██ .db %10110101 ; █ ██ █ █ .db %01100110 ; ██ ██▒ .db %00111100 ; ████▒ .db %01011001 ; █ ██ ▒█ .db 8,6 ;5 .db %01000000 ; █▒ ▒ ▒ .db %00100101 ; ▒█ █▒█ .db %00010100 ; ▒ ▒█ █ ▒ .db %01000100 ; █▒ █ .db %00010010 ; ▒█▒▒█ .db %10011010 ; █▒ ██ █▒ .db 8,6 ;6 .db %01000100 ; █ █ .db %00100000 ; ▒█ ▒ ▒ .db %00000001 ; ▒ ▒ █ .db %01000100 ; █ █ .db %00100010 ; █▒ █ .db %01001000 ; ▒█ ▒█ ▒ .db 8,6 ;7 .db %00001000 ; ▒ █▒ .db %11000010 ; ██ ▒ █ .db %00000000 ; ▒ .db %00100000 ; ▒█ ▒ .db %00000001 ; ▒ ▒█ .db %00110000 ; ▒██▒ .db 8,6 ;8 .db %00000100 ; ▒█ .db %00000000 ; ▒▒ ▒ .db %01000000 ; █ .db %00000000 ; ▒ .db %00000010 ; █▒ .db %00100100 ; █▒ █ ;--------------------------------------- bar ----------------------------------- spr_icon: .db 16,7 ;selected .......:.......: .db %11111111,%11111111 ; ████████████████ .db %11000000,%00000001 ; ██ █ .db %11000000,%00000001 ; ██ █ .db %11000000,%00000001 ; ██ █ .db %11000000,%00000001 ; ██ █ .db %11000000,%00000001 ; ██ █ .db %11111111,%11111111 ; ████████████████ spr_icon00: .db 16,7 ;unused .......:.......: .db %10101010,%10101010 ; █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ .db %11010101,%01010101 ; ██ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ .db %10101010,%10101010 ; █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ .db %11010101,%01010101 ; ██ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ .db %10101010,%10101010 ; █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ .db %11010101,%01010101 ; ██ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ .db %10101010,%10101010 ; █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ spr_icon01: .db 16,7 ;armor ; .......:.......: .db %10001111,%10000000 ; █ █████ .db %10010000,%01000000 ; █ █ █ ▒▒▒ .db %10101110,%00100000 ; █ █ ███ █ ▒▒▒ .db %10100111,%10100000 ; █ █ ████ █ ▒▒▒ .db %10101110,%00100000 ; █ █ ███ █ ▒▒▒ .db %10010000,%01000000 ; █ █ █ ▒▒▒ .db %10001111,%10000000 ; █ █████ spr_icon02: .db 16,7 ;torpedo .......:.......: .db %10111000,%00010101 ; █ ███ █ █ █ .db %10011100,%00010101 ; █ ███ █ █ █ .db %10111000,%01001010 ; █ ███ █ █ █ .db %10000000,%11101010 ; █ ███ █ █ .db %11100001,%11100101 ; ███ ████ █ █ .db %10011000,%11110101 ; █ ██ ████ █ █ .db %11100110,%00110010 ; ███ ██ ██ █ spr_icon03: .db 8,7 ;empty .......: .db %10000000 ;00000000 ; █ .db %10000000 ;00000000 ; █ .db %10000000 ;00000000 ; █ .db %10000000 ;00000000 ; █ .db %10000000 ;00000000 ; █ .db %10000000 ;00000000 ; █ .db %10000000 ;00000000 ; █ spr_icon04: .db 16,7 ;laser .......:.......: .db %10000000,%00000000 ; █ .db %10110010,%10000000 ; █ ██ █ █ .db %10111011,%00000000 ; █ ███ ██ .db %10011101,%11111111 ; █ ███ █████████ .db %10111011,%00000000 ; █ ███ ██ .db %10110010,%10000000 ; █ ██ █ █ .db %10000000,%00000000 ; █ spr_icon05: .db 16,7 ;multiple .......:.......: .db %10000011,%10000000 ; █ ███ .db %10000001,%11100110 ; █ ████ ██ .db %10000001,%11100000 ; █ ████ .db %10000011,%10000000 ; █ ███ .db %10011000,%00000000 ; █ ██ .db %10111100,%11000011 ; █ ████ ██ ██ .db %10011000,%00000000 ; █ ██ ;---------------------------- texts ------------------------------------------- txt_about: .db " v0.94.A08",127,"by Shiar",0 txt_email: .db "shiar0@hotmail.com",0 txt_menu1: .db "CONTINUE",0 txt_menu2: .db "NEW GAME",0 txt_level: .db "LEVEL ",0 txt_gameover: .db "GAME OVER!",0 txt_score: .db "Score",0 txt_hiscore: .db "Hiscore",0 txt_lives: .db "Lx0?",0 txt_pressenter: .db "Enter to continue",0 ;---------------------------- save data --------------------------------------- PutWhere .dw GRAPH_MEM ;where to put the wide sprites level .db $00 ;level number levelp .dw $0000 ;pointer to level data score .dw $0000 stored_data_start: hiscore .dw $0000 stored_data_end: your_pickup .db $00 your_occ .db $00 ;0=normal 1..16=exploding your_inv .db $00 ;invincibility left your_armor .db $00 ;HP left your_lives .db $00 ; your_laser .db $00 ;laser avail: 0=no, 1=yes your_multiples .db $00 ;multiples present torp_occ .db $00 ;torp.state: 0=unavail 1=avail 2=presnt torp_pos .dw $0000 ;torpedo position (x,y) ;---------------------------- enemy data -------------------------------------- sprites: .db $00 .db spr_enemy01-spr_enemy00 .db spr_enemy02-spr_enemy00 .db spr_enemy03-spr_enemy00 .db spr_enemy04-spr_enemy00 .db spr_enemy05-spr_enemy00 .db spr_enemy06-spr_enemy00 .db spr_enemy07-spr_enemy00 .db spr_enemy08-spr_enemy00 spr_enemy00: .db 7,5 ;pickup .db %11111110 ; ███████ .db %11111110 ; ███████ .db %11000110 ; ██ ██ .db %11111110 ; ███████ .db %11111110 ; ███████ spr_enemy01: .db 6,6 ;enemy type one .db %00111100 ; ████ .db %01110000 ; ███ .db %11110000 ; ████ .db %11110000 ; ████ .db %01110000 ; ███ .db %00111100 ; ████ spr_enemy02: .db 8,6 ;enemy type two .db %00111111 ; █████ .db %01111000 ; ████ .db %11111100 ; ██████ .db %11111100 ; ██████ .db %01111000 ; ████ .db %00111111 ; █████ spr_enemy03: .db 6,6 ;enemy type three .db %01111100 ; █████ .db %11110000 ; ████ .db %11111000 ; █████ .db %11111000 ; █████ .db %11110000 ; ████ .db %01111100 ; █████ spr_enemy04: .db 6,6 ;enemy type four .db %00111000 ; ███ .db %01111100 ; █████ .db %11111000 ; █████ .db %11111000 ; █████ .db %01111100 ; █████ .db %00111000 ; ███ spr_enemy05: .db 7,6 ;enemy type five .db %00011110 ; ████ .db %01111110 ; ██████ .db %11111100 ; ██████ .db %11111100 ; ██████ .db %01111110 ; ██████ .db %00011110 ; ████ spr_enemy06: .db 7,6 ;enemy type six .db %00011100 ; ███ .db %01111110 ; ██████ .db %10111000 ; █ ███ .db %10111000 ; █ ███ .db %01111110 ; ██████ .db %00011100 ; ███ spr_enemy07: .db 8,6 ;enemy type seven .db %00011110 ; ████ .db %01111111 ; ███████ .db %10011100 ; █ ███ .db %10011100 ; █ ███ .db %01111111 ; ███████ .db %00011110 ; ████ spr_boss01: .db 16,10 ;boss type one .db %00000001,%11111111 ; █████████ .db %00001111,%11111110 ; ███████████ .db %00111111,%11110000 ; ██████████ .db %01011111,%10000000 ; █ ██████ .db %10011111,%01000000 ; █ █████ █ .db %10011111,%01000000 ; █ █████ █ .db %01011111,%10000000 ; █ ██████ .db %00111111,%11110000 ; ██████████ .db %00001111,%11111110 ; ███████████ .db %00000001,%11111111 ; █████████ spr_enemy08: .db 8,6 ;enemy type eight .db %00011110 ; ████ .db %01111111 ; ███████ enemy00:.db %10011100 ; █ ███ .db %10011100 ; █ ███ .db %01111111 ; ███████ .db %00011110 ; ████ ;enemyInfo: %000000:HP %10:occ $00:type $00:app $00:unused enemy01: ;#1 HP:1 app:random .db %00000010,1,1,0 enemy02: ;#2 HP:1 app:halflure .db %00000010,2,3,0 enemy03: ;#3 HP:1 app:lure .db %00001111,3,2,0 enemy04: ;#4 HP:2 app:lure .db %00000110,4,2,0 enemy05: ;#5 HP:2 app:random moving .db %00000111,5,3,0 enemy06: ;#6 HP:3 app:lure moving .db %00001011,6,2,0 enemy07: ;#7 HP:7 app:halflure moving .db %00011011,7,3,0 ;----------------------------- level info ------------------------------------- ;format: enemy nr; enemy frequency; next lvl; level_move; level_fire ;tunnel size; groundtype; 17_ground; 17_ceiling; stars1; stars2 level01: ;efrequency must be odd if halfluring! .db $01,$1b,$2f,%00010000,255,0,0 .db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .db 1,1 level02: .db $02,$13,$4b,%01010000,064,0,0 .db 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5,4,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 .db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .db 1,1 level03: .db $03,$2d,$3f,%01100000,255,-9,1 .db 3,2,4,3,2,2,1,1,1,1 ,1,1,21,17,18,20 .db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,6,12,9,1,21,19,18,18 .db -1,-1 level04: .db $04,$11,$41,%00010000,057,0,0 .db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .db 1,1 level05: .db $05,$11,$45,%01010010,031,-7,1 .db 14,12,11,9,10,7,7,5,4,3,4,4,2,3,1,2 .db 1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .db 1,1 level06: .db $06,$19,$3a,%01110000,255,-4,1 .db 20,22,18,15,9,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .db 20,22,18,15,9,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .db 1,1 level07: .db $07,$09,$ff,%00010000,043,0,0 .db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 .db 1,1 ;----------------------------- logo ------------------------------------------- logo_nemesis: .db %11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111110,%11111111,%11110111,%11111111,%11111110,%11111111,%111101111,%11111111,%00001011,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111000 .db %01111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111110,%11111111,%11110111,%11111111,%11111110,%11111111,%111101111,%11111111,%00011011,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11110000 .db %00111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111110,%11111111,%11110111,%11111111,%11111110,%11111111,%111101111,%11111111,%00111011,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11100000 .db %00011111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111110,%11111111,%11110111,%11111111,%11111110,%11111111,%111101111,%11111111,%01111011,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00000001,%00011110,%00010000,%00000000,%10000001,%00011110,%00010000,%000000001,%00000000,%00001000,%01000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00000011,%00011110,%00110000,%00000001,%10000011,%00011110,%00110000,%000000011,%00000000,%00011000,%11000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00000111,%00011110,%01110000,%00000011,%10000111,%00011110,%01110000,%000000111,%00000000,%00111001,%11000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11111111,%00000111,%10001111,%00011110,%11111111,%000001111,%11111111,%01111011,%11111111,%11000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11111111,%00000111,%10001111,%00011110,%11111111,%000001111,%11111111,%01111011,%11111111,%11000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11111111,%00000111,%10001111,%00011110,%11111111,%000001111,%11111111,%01111011,%11111111,%11000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11111111,%00000111,%10001111,%00011110,%11111111,%000001111,%11111111,%01111011,%11111111,%11000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11110000,%00000111,%10001111,%00011110,%11110000,%000000000,%00001111,%01111000,%00000011,%11000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11110000,%00000111,%10001111,%00011110,%11110000,%000000000,%00001111,%01111000,%00000011,%11000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11110000,%00000111,%10001111,%00011110,%11110000,%000000000,%00001111,%01111000,%00000011,%11000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11110000,%00000111,%10001111,%00011110,%11110000,%000000000,%00001111,%01111000,%00000011,%11000000,%00000000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11111111,%11110111,%10001111,%00011110,%11111111,%111101111,%11111111,%01111011,%11111111,%11000000,%00000111,%11010001 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11111111,%11110111,%10001111,%00011110,%11111111,%111101111,%11111111,%01111011,%11111111,%11000000,%00000001,%00011011 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11111111,%11110111,%10001111,%00011110,%11111111,%111101111,%11111111,%01111011,%11111111,%11000000,%00000001,%00010101 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00001111,%00011110,%11111111,%11110111,%10001111,%00011110,%11111111,%111101111,%11111111,%01111011,%11111111,%11000000,%00000001,%00010001 ;----------------------------- end -------------------------------------------- .end .end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;0.94.1008 -- 08.X.99 -- size 4531 (4456) ; ; + starfield background scrolling left (2 layers (front and back)) ; * enemies aim their bullets towards you: 5 different directions! ; # removed some unintended instructions ; * gamefield is now white on black instead of normal black on white! ; + enemies can also move slowly, fast, very fast, or 1st fast then slow ; # you can't fire when you're exploding ; + GROUND scrolling at bottom. You die if you hit the ground (!!!) ; (unlike the ground in version 0.925test there are NO bugs) ; + ceiling scrolling at top, just like the ground ; * ground and ceiling profile are different each level ; * ground and/or ceiling can be non-present (speeding up cause skipped) ; # no more BIG crash if enemies fire too much bullets ( >10) ; + frequency of enemies firing bullets differs per level ; * stars scroll at alternate speeds, different than any ship/pick (3/4) ; + special effect displaying titlescreen (stole from Spaze Invaders'83) ; * enemies can fire either directly on entering the level, or not ; + "tunnel" (playfield) can narrow/grow at random (depending on level) ; * minimum size of "tunnel" can be different per level ; + menu at startup. select "NEW GAME" and "LOAD GAME" with up/down ; - nemesis doesn't use the SpazeInvaders effect anymore (took too long) ; + choosing new game will display a demo first (text will be displayed ; with special effect [SI] saying the storyline will come soon) ; * levels altered to be more challenging and different (seven levels) ; # the usual bugs that come with new features removed (i think?) ; * you get 5 shield-points at start and after death ; ; ; + added - removed * changed # bug fixed