------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title : Nemesis Version : 0.95.A22 Beta Release Date : 22.X.99 Filename : nemesis.86p (size 5321) Author(s) : Shiar Email Address : shiar0@hotmail.com (mind the 0) ICQ : #43840958 Web Page : come.to/shiar Description : cool arcade-shoot-em-up-game Where to get this game : www.ticalc.org Other games by author : N/Y Additional credits to : See below >>>>>>> NOTE ON V.95 --------------------------------------------------------- YES! NEMESIS was on the NEWS in TICALC.ORG! With a nice screenshot so you just couldn't ignore it!! And my, I received a lot of messages. Thanks to everybody, I'm very happy! More happiness: a new update featuring alot of bug fixes (Nemesis has now got some good beta-testers!), bosses, weapon-upgrades, LEFT+DOWN-bug fixed (THANKS2 BRIAN KOROPOFF!), teacher key, hiscore name, much more. Again thank you all and keep sending me stuff! I really appreciate it! >>>>>>> INTRO TO NEMESIS ----------------------------------------------------- Nemesis is an old arcade-game for the MSX. It was a really good game, that's why Konami made not only the three Nemesis games for the MSX (Nemesis I (1986), ][ (1987) and III ('88)) but also four more Nemesis-clones for the MSX as well as 36 versions for other systems including the Game Boy, (S)NES and Play Station (as far as I'm aware of). >>>>>>> CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------- The universal TI-86 keys: Arrow keys : move 2nd : fire ALPHA : select powerup MORE : pause EXIT : exit GRAPH : teacher! (press graph again to resume) In main menu you can press F1 to toggle b<>w (not saved yet). >>>>>>> PICKUPS AND SO ------------------------------------------------------- Collect the pickups enemies leave after they're destroyed to upgrade your ship. The highlighted icon in the score bar (bottom) can be activated by pressing ALPHA. The number in the first icon shows your shield-points left. This icon can be chosen more than once, to increase your shield-points. Other upgrades: ARMOR/SHIELD | TORPEDO | WEAPON-UPG | LASER | MULTIPLES >>>>>>> BETA STUFF ----------------------------------------------------------- There are just seven levels for now, don't try to get to level eight. Things to come: * different enemies in one level * save options (like b<>w) * save game * more LEVELS!! more enemies more upgrades * storyline * maybe obstacles? * source code release ? grayscale, sounds, multiplayer-option: probably not Continue to send me any IDEAS and BUGS found!! Or send me you like this program, or even send me something if you don't. Again: shiar0@hotmail.com, or ICQ #43840958! PLEASE! Tested on TI86es (and emulators) with ROM 1.4 and 1.6 using YAS, Rascall and Asm(. Nemesis will NOT run correctly under RASCALL with the memory LOCKED! >>>>>>> CREDITS -------------------------------------------------------------- SHIAR programming and everything else. SHIAR0@HOTMAIL.COM DAVE betatester (if you need a bug, ask Dave :) BLACKBELT betatester (the one and only..) JONAH COHEN for teaching me z80 and stuff, also kinda betatester MATTHEW DALE betatester KONAMI for writing the original Nemesises and more great games PATRICK DAVIDSON wrote Galaxian; Nemesis uses his gfx-engine BRIAN KOROPOFF for solving the left+down bug! and EVERYBODY WHO SENT ME SOMETHING!! (too much to list here) >>>>>>> RULEZ AND REGULATIONS ------------------------------------------------ * Damage to you, your calc, or anything else was not caused by Nemesis and I am certainly not responsible * One shall NOT release an altered version of Nemesis * This documentation must be included with distribution (except calc2calc) * No money shall be asked for this program * Eat plenty of vegetables every day >>>>>>> HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------- Most significant version changes since version 0.61. Version 0.7 Beta Size:2303 02.IX * contrast is increased at startup * invulerable when entering the game (your ship looks different too) * hitpoints/shield. some enemies leave pickups which increase your shield * fixed the fake bullets-bug Version 0.8 Beta Size:2433 03.IX * enemies move individually, not all at the same time * enemies fire once every x time instead of randomized * changed: enemies removed correctly, screen cleared at quit, enemies don't move off screen (above or below edge), levels rebuild Version 0.9 Beta Size:2693 04.IX (first major release) * multiple pickups can be collected, and activated by pressing F2 * two pickups select torpedo, one selects shield increase * you have 4 lives. Dieing will decrease lives and restart in the same level * fixes: pickups no longer fire bullets, randomizer fixed, game over quits Version 0.91Beta Size:2797 05.IX * fourth icon selects laser * fifth icon selects multiples (like the shadow multiples in Nemesis) * most data no longer stored in program, saving a lot of bytes Version 0.92Beta Size:2831 08.IX * Laserbeam lasts for five turns, making it more powerfull * Bullets and enemies are removed at the beginning of a level * Pickups don't appear random anymore, but after destroying x enemies * Bugs fixed: fifth icon select, firing bullets, invulerability Version 0.93Beta Size:3098 11.IX (second major release) * Counts score and saves highest score * Pickups move slower, keys changed to 2nd and Alpha * Multiples move only when you move (like in MSX-Nemesis) * A lot of small fixes and changes (really a lot of them) Version 0.94Beta Size:4456 08.X (yet another release; ticalc news) * Two-layer starfield scrolling in the background * Enemies can move at different speeds or move patterns and can aim bullets * Ground scrolling at bottom and ceiling scrolling @ top (also tunnel-effect) * Main menu, levels changed, bugs fixed, enemy firing rate differs, and more Version 0.95Beta Size:5285 21.X * Boss at the end of a level * Bullet-upgrades (speed/multiple bullets) and 3-bullet limit * Graph cleared, unintended pixels removed, prog reload, major bugfixes * When you got a hiscore, you can enter your name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <<<<<<<