0 ? $monthname[intval($parts[2])] : '', $parts[1], count($parts) > 6 ? "$parts[4]:$parts[5]" : '', ])); } class ArchiveArticle { function __construct($path) { $this->page = $path; $this->link = preg_replace('{(?:/index)?\.html$}', '', $path); } function __get($col) { return $this->$col = $this->$col(); # run method and cache } function file() { if (!file_exists($this->page)) return; return fopen($this->page, 'r'); } function title() { return preg_replace('{


\s*}', '\1', fgets($this->file)); } function safetitle() { return trim(strip_tags($this->title)); } function name() { return $this->safetitle ?: $this->link; } function last() { return filemtime($this->page); } function lastiso() { return date(DATE_ATOM, $this->last); } function dateparts() { preg_match('< / (\d{4}) [/-] (\d{2}) (?:- (\d{2}) )? - >x', $this->page, $ymd); return $ymd; } function dateiso() { return implode('-', $this->dateparts()); } function date() { return showdate($this->dateparts); } function body() { $this->title; $rest = fread($this->file, filesize($this->page)); if ( preg_match('{\n


}', $rest, $img, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) ) { if (isset($img[1])) { $this->img = $img[1][0]; } return substr($rest, 0, $img[0][1]); } return $rest; } function teaser() { if (preg_match('{


}s', $this->body, $bodyp)) { return $bodyp[1]; } } function img() { $this->img = NULL; $this->body; return $this->img; } function image() { if ( preg_match('/\bsrc="([^"]*)"/', $this->img, $src) ) { return $src[1]; } } function thumb($size = '300x') { if (!$this->image or $this->image[0] !== '/') return; return preg_replace('{^(?:/thumb/[^/]*)?}', "thumb/$size", $this->image); } } function shownews($input, $limit = 1000) { if (!is_array($input)) $input = glob("$input/*.html"); foreach (array_reverse($input) as $filename) { $article = new ArchiveArticle($filename); print '
'; if ($article->thumb) { $imgattr = ' class="left"'; if (preg_match('{ (\s alt="[^"]+") }x', $article->img, $img)) { $imgattr .= $img[0]; # preserve alt value } printf('', $article->thumb, $imgattr); } print '
'; printf( '

%s %s

', $article->link, $article->title, $article->date ); print $article->body; print '
'; print "
\n\n"; if (--$limit <= 0) break; } } function printtoc($input, $class = FALSE) { if (!is_array($input)) $input = glob("$input/*.html"); print ''; foreach (array_reverse($input) as $page) { $article = new ArchiveArticle($page); $html = $article->safetitle; $dateparts = $article->dateparts; if ($class) { $dateparts[1] = NULL; # omit year } $html .= sprintf(' %s', showdate($dateparts)); if ($class == 'gallery' and $article->img) { $html = "
"; $html = sprintf('', $article->thumb(200)) . $html; } $html = sprintf('%s', $article->link, $html); print "
  • $html
  • \n"; } print "\n"; }