#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.014; our $VERSION = '1.00'; use Getopt::Long '2.33', qw( :config gnu_getopt ); GetOptions(\my %opt, 'size|s=s', ); my ($file) = @ARGV; my @info = eval { require Image::ExifTool; my $exif = Image::ExifTool->new->ImageInfo($file, { CoordFormat => '%.5f', DateFormat => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', Exclude => 'System:*', }); die "exiftool: $exif->{Error}\n" if $exif->{Error}; return ( $exif->{MIMEType}, $exif->{ImageSize} ? "$exif->{ImageSize} ($exif->{Megapixels}MP)" : (), join(' ', $exif->{YCbCrSubSampling} // (), $exif->{Interlace} // (), $exif->{Compression} // $exif->{FileType}, $exif->{SVGVersion} // $exif->{PDFVersion} // (), ), $exif->{ColorType} ? "$exif->{BitDepth}bpp $exif->{ColorType}" : (), join(' ', 'exif', $exif->{ExifVersion}, sprintf('(%d)', scalar %{$exif}), ), $exif->{Thumb} ? "thumb $exif->{ThumbnailLength}B" : (), (map "@ $_", $exif->{DateTimeOriginal} // $exif->{DateCreated} // $exif->{CircaDateCreated} // $exif->{ModifyDate} // $exif->{ZipModifyDate} // (), ), join(', ', $exif->{GPSPosition} // $exif->{Location} // (), $exif->{GPSAltitude} // (), ) || (), (map "hw $_", join(' ', $exif->{Make} // (), $exif->{Model} // (), $exif->{FOV} ? "(FOV $exif->{FOV})" : (), ) || ()), (map "sw $_", $exif->{Software} // $exif->{Application} // ()), (map "> $_", $exif->{'Description-nl'} // ()), $exif->{Warning} ? "! $exif->{Warning}" : (), ); }; warn $@ if $@; my $filesize = (stat $file)[7]; eval { require Digest::MD5; open my $bin, '<', $file; binmode $bin; my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($bin)->b64digest; push @info, "# $md5 ($filesize)"; } or warn $@; my $aspect = eval { require Term::ReadKey; my ($w, $h, $x, $y) = Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize(); return $x/$w / $y*$h; }; open my $pgm, '-|', convert => ( $file => -delete => '1--1', $aspect ? ('+distort' => SRT => "0,0 1,$aspect 0") : (), -thumbnail => $opt{size} || '40x12', -colorspace => 'gray', '-normalize', -level => '-1%', -channel => 'A', -threshold => '50%', -background => 'black', -layers => 'flatten', -compress => 'none', 'pgm:-' ) or die $!; if (<$pgm> eq "P2\n") { my ($width, $height) = split ' ', <$pgm>; <$pgm>; # ignore depth my @ch = split //, " .:oO@"; while (<$pgm>) { print !$_ ? '/' : $ch[ $_ * @ch >> 8 ] for /\d+/g; print ' ', shift @info if @info; print $/; } substr $_, 0, 0, ' ' x ($width + 1) for @info; } say for @info; __END__ =head1 NAME termimg - media file fingerprint and metadata =head1 SYNOPSIS B [] =head1 DESCRIPTION Identify given file by ascii image with a summary of distinctive metadata. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item -s, --size=x =back =head1 SEE ALSO | output | colors | ff | feats | time m-c | notes ---------+------------+---------+-----+-------+----------| jp2a | ascii | 1/2/16 | jpg | a hit | 125-241 | img2txt | ascii | 256 | 5+ | adH t | 332 | caca-utils (imlib2) catimg | unicode | rgb/256 | 3 | v| 320 | aview | pager | 1/2/3 | pnm | dhit | 320+152 | asciiart | ascii | 1/16 | + | hi | ? | termimg | ascii | 1 | + | a m | 1988+230 | convert | ascii (xpm)| 1 | + | a it | 1010 | imagemagick to xpm =head2 Features a = aspect ratio option d = color dithering h = html export (H other formats) i = invert option m = metadata t = gamma and/or brightness modification =head1 AUTHOR Mischa POSLAWSKY =head1 LICENSE AGPL3+