#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.018; use warnings; use utf8; use List::Util qw( min max sum ); use open qw( :std :utf8 ); use experimental qw( lexical_subs ); our $VERSION = '1.03'; use Getopt::Long '2.33', qw( :config gnu_getopt ); sub podexit { require Pod::Usage; Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -perldocopt => '-oman', @_); } my %opt; GetOptions(\%opt, 'color|c!', 'C' => sub { $opt{color} = 0 }, 'field|f=s', 'interval|t:i', 'trim|length|l=s' => sub { my ($optname, $optval) = @_; $optval =~ s/%$// and $opt{trimpct}++; $optval =~ m/^-?[0-9]+$/ or die( "Value \"$optval\" invalid for option $optname", " (number or percentage expected)\n" ); $opt{trim} = $optval; }, 'value-length=i', 'hidemax|limit|L=i', 'markers|m=s', 'unmodified|u!', 'width|w=i', 'usage|h' => sub { podexit() }, 'help' => sub { podexit(-verbose => 2) }, ) or exit 64; # EX_USAGE $opt{width} ||= $ENV{COLUMNS} || 80; $opt{color} //= -t *STDOUT; # enable on tty $opt{trim} *= $opt{width} / 100 if $opt{trimpct}; if (defined $opt{interval}) { $opt{interval} ||= 1; $SIG{ALRM} = sub { show_lines(); alarm $opt{interval}; }; alarm $opt{interval}; } $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; # continue after assumed eof my (@lines, @values); my $anchor = !defined $opt{field} ? qr/\A/ : $opt{field} =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ? qr/(?:\S*\h+){$opt{field}}\K/ : $opt{field}; while (readline) { s/\r?\n\z//; s/^\h*// unless $opt{unmodified}; push @values, s/$anchor ( \h* -? [0-9]* \.? [0-9]+ |)/\n/x && $1; if (defined $opt{trim}) { my $trimpos = abs $opt{trim}; if ($trimpos <= 1) { $_ = substr $_, 0, 1; } elsif (length > $trimpos) { substr($_, $trimpos - 1) = '…'; } } push @lines, $_; } $SIG{INT} = 'DEFAULT'; sub show_lines { state $nr = 0; @lines and @lines > $nr or return; my @order = sort { $b <=> $a } grep { length } @values; my $maxval = $opt{hidemax} ? max @values[0 .. $opt{hidemax} - 1] : $order[0]; my $minval = min $order[-1], 0; my $lenval = $opt{'value-length'} // max map { length } @order; my $len = defined $opt{trim} && $opt{trim} <= 0 ? -$opt{trim} + 1 : max map { length $values[$_] && length $lines[$_] } 0 .. min $#lines, $opt{hidemax} || (); # left padding my $size = ($maxval - $minval) && ($opt{width} - $lenval - $len) / ($maxval - $minval); # bar multiplication my @barmark; if ($opt{markers} // 1 and $size > 0) { my sub orderpos { (($order[$_[0]] + $order[$_[0] + .5]) / 2 - $minval) * $size } $barmark[ (sum(@order) / @order - $minval) * $size ] = '='; # average $barmark[ orderpos($#order * .31731) ] = '>'; $barmark[ orderpos($#order * .68269) ] = '<'; $barmark[ orderpos($#order / 2) ] = '+'; # mean $barmark[ -$minval * $size ] = '|' if $minval < 0; # zero defined and $opt{color} and $_ = "\e[36m$_\e[0m" for @barmark; state $lastmax = $maxval; if ($maxval > $lastmax) { print ' ' x ($lenval + $len); printf "\e[90m" if $opt{color}; printf '%-*s', ($lastmax - $minval) * $size + .5, '-' x (($values[$nr - 1] - $minval) * $size); print "\e[92m" if $opt{color}; say '+' x (($maxval - $lastmax - $minval) * $size + .5); print "\e[0m" if $opt{color}; $lastmax = $maxval; } } while ($nr <= $#lines) { $nr >= $opt{hidemax} and last if $opt{hidemax}; my $val = $values[$nr]; if (length $val) { my $color = !$opt{color} ? 0 : $val == $order[0] ? 32 : # max $val == $order[-1] ? 31 : # min 90; $val = sprintf "%*s", $lenval, $val; $val = "\e[${color}m$val\e[0m" if $color; } my $line = $lines[$nr] =~ s/\n/$val/r; printf '%-*s', $len + length($val), $line; print $barmark[$_] // '-' for 1 .. $size && (($values[$nr] || 0) - $minval) * $size + .5; say ''; $nr++; } } show_lines(); __END__ =head1 NAME barcat - graph to visualize input values =head1 SYNOPSIS B [] [] =head1 DESCRIPTION Visualizes relative sizes of values read from input (file(s) or STDIN). Contents are concatenated similar to I, but numbers are reformatted and a bar graph is appended to each line. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item -c, --[no-]color Force colored output of values and bar markers. Defaults on if output is a tty, disabled otherwise such as when piped or redirected. =item -f, --field=(|) Compare values after a given number of whitespace separators, or matching a regular expression. Unspecified or I<-f0> means values are at the start of each line. With I<-f1> the second word is taken instead. A string can indicate the starting position of a value (such as I<-f:> if preceded by colons), or capture the numbers itself, for example I<-f'(\d+)'> for the first digits anywhere. =item -t, --interval[=] Interval time to output partial progress. =item -l, --length=[-][%] Trim line contents (between number and bars) to a maximum number of characters. The exceeding part is replaced by an abbreviation sign, unless C<--length=0>. Prepend a dash (i.e. make negative) to enforce padding regardless of encountered contents. =item -L, --limit= Stop output after a number of lines. All input is still counted and analyzed for statistics, but disregarded for padding and bar size. =item -m, --markers= Statistical positions to indicate on bars. Cannot be customized yet, only disabled by providing an empty argument. Any value enables all marker characters: =over 2 =item B<=> Average: the sum of all values divided by the number of counted lines. =item B<+> Mean, median: the middle value or average between middle values. =item B<<> Standard deviation left of the mean. Only 16% of all values are lower. =item B<< > >> Standard deviation right of the mean. The part between B<< <--> >> encompass all I results, or 68% of all entries. =back =item -u, --unmodified Do not strip leading whitespace. Keep original value alignment, which may be significant in some programs. =item --value-length= Reserved space for numbers. =item -w, --width= Override the maximum number of columns to use. Appended graphics will extend to fill up the entire screen. =back =head1 EXAMPLES Commonly used after counting, such as users on the current server: users | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | uniq -c | barcat Letter frequencies in text files: cat /usr/share/games/fortunes/*.u8 | perl -CO -nE 'say for grep length, split /\PL*/, uc' | sort | uniq -c | barcat Memory usage of user processes: ps xo %mem,pid,cmd | barcat -l40 Sizes (in megabytes) of all root files and directories: du -d0 -m * | barcat Number of HTTP requests per day: cat log/access.log | cut -d\ -f4 | cut -d: -f1 | uniq -c | barcat Any kind of database query with leading counts: echo 'SELECT count(*),schemaname FROM pg_tables GROUP BY 2' | psql -t | barcat -u Exchange rate USD/EUR history from CSV download provided by ECB: curl https://sdw.ecb.europa.eu/export.do \ -Gd 'node=SEARCHRESULTS&q=EXR.D.USD.EUR.SP00.A&exportType=csv' | grep '^[12]' | barcat -f',\K' --value-length=7 Total population history from the World Bank dataset (XML): curl http://api.worldbank.org/v2/country/1W/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL | xmllint --xpath '//*[local-name()="date" or local-name()="value"]' - | sed -r 's,,\n,g; s,(<[^>]+>)+, ,g' | barcat -f1 Movies per year from prepared JSON data: curl https://github.com/prust/wikipedia-movie-data/raw/master/movies.json | jq '.[].year' | uniq -c | barcat Pokémon height comparison: curl https://github.com/Biuni/PokemonGO-Pokedex/raw/master/pokedex.json | jq -r '.pokemon[] | [.height,.num,.name] | join(" ")' | barcat Git statistics, such commit count by year: git log --pretty=%ci | cut -b-4 | uniq -c | barcat Or the most frequent authors: git shortlog -sn | barcat -L3 Latency history: ping google.com | barcat -f'time=\K' -t =head1 AUTHOR Mischa POSLAWSKY =head1 LICENSE GPL3+.